My Gristleism came today.

Published 2010-07-02
It came in the mail. I am very excited.

All Comments (13)
  • @dMARR0
    No shit- that is too cool!!!
  • @Hershizzle
    @funbun5 its basically a collection of 13 songs by throbbing gristle. So its like a throbbing gristle album but instead of on a CD or vinyl its in a box with a speaker on it. every time i press teh top button it goes to another song. like when i turn it on it plays 1.persuasion and when i press the buttonm again it plays 2. hamburger lady. But what they do is tehy give you another knob that controlls pitch so i can slow it down or speed it up.
  • @Hershizzle
    @funbun5 its a gristleism! it plays throbbing gristle songs whats not exciting about it. you can bring it to work and turn it on and leave it in your desk. Or put it in your car. It has a pitch/speed knob too.
  • @Hershizzle
    @sse1478 no dude me and max are making teh gristleizer which is a distortion box for the guitar. this is a gristleism which plays music
  • @funbun5
    @Hershizzle so is it like a toy in which you make music and it's never the same twice? can u have complete control over what it plays or does it somewhat have a mind of its own
  • @Hershizzle
    @krkrkrkrkrkrkrkrkrkx I got it off ebay for 30 bucks. Totally worth it. Im getting a gristleizer next.
  • @Pmac83
    Uh....what's it supposed to be
  • @funbun5
    what does it do?? i mean whats so cool about it . why are you excited?