5 Most Mysterious Time Travel Stories

Published 2017-09-12

All Comments (21)
  • @blackhatter011
    I used to be addicted to time travel, but that's all in the past now.
  • @actung74
    I will be back here yesterday as I've already been here tomorrow …
  • @JustCameronT
    If time travel is true, then why hasn't my future self come and said hi to me yet?
  • @SHADOWBEAR82763
    I had an odd experience in 2000 or 2001. A friend I hadn't seen in months called me and said he had seen me earlier that day on the other side of town, driving a red Saturn. I told him I didn't own a red car... my truck is blue and silver. I also told him it had been a year or so since I had been in that area. He swore it was me he had seen. About an hour later another friend called to see if I would go with him to buy a new guitar. I told him I would, but tomorrow. He came by the next day to pick me up... in a red Saturn. He asked if I would drive because his back hurt. So off we went, to the area of town where I had been spotted the day before. I didn't realize the coincidence for about a week, but it really flipped me out later. Edit: The two friends do not know each other. I was not 'pranked".
  • I'm pretty sure there was a Twilight Zone episode based off the 1st one. I think a WW1 pilot from 1917 landed at an airport he was traveling to, but in 1962.
  • @DreiSkins101
    I am 41 years old and I have just realized I still have so many unanswered questions! I never found out who let the dogs out... the way to get to Sesame Street... why Dora doesn't just use Google Maps... why we don't ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"... why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed... why "abbreviated" is such a long word... why lemon juice is made with artificial flavor yet dish-washing liquid is made with real lemons... why they sterilize the needle for lethal injections... and, why do you have to "put your two cents in" but it's only a "penny for your thoughts" where's that extra penny going to... why do The Alphabet Song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same tune... why did you just try to sing those two previous songs... and just what is Victoria's secret? ...... I actually stole this from a friend who stole it from a friend of her brother's girlfriend's Uncle's cousin's baby mamma's Doctor...Now it is your turn to steal it from me... lol Enjoy the rest of your day! xx p.s. copy and paste and don't forget to change your age!
  • @daddysjamz1303
    #3 is my wife's dad in Louisiana. He told us this story many times. It is also published in a Louisiana ghost story book . He is passed now so I can't find out more. I wish I could!
  • Some thing weird happened to me when I was sleeping .I dreamed of having a brother named Christopher , when I wake up I told my mom she didn't say anything . For about a week later she say she is pregnant.Iasked her if she was playing a prank she says no .About 9 months later she has a baby boy and named it Christopher . The baby looked exactly like the one in my dream .I don't even know how I remember him in my dream . But all of a sudden I just did...
  • How did the couples manage to pay for a hotel with future currency? I call BS, the hotel would have not accepted the currency. Or let them go without paying.
  • Finding out that you just spent a night in an old-fashioned hotel with real people from the old days would be an incredibly fascinating, but crazy experience that no one would be able to forget! Lucky couples!
  • @RTColeman
    I've mastered time travel, only problem is I can only move forward in time. Still working on the backwards part.
  • @myApexTV
    Amazing video! Time travel is so interesting!
  • I have been a tresimatic scientist for Jenson (a subsidiary of Nasa) for over 20 years now, and I can tell you (from a scientific stand point) that a "time slip" is caused mainly from a lack of potassium and k2 in the circulatory system. The weird thing is, that when an individual has a deficiency in potassium simultaneously with a k2 deficiency (which is a very rare occurrence), the body will produce pathogenic antononyms that are actually "contagious" and this will cause a radio frequent effect on them and the surrounding individuals (in close proximity but can have a 50 feet range in some studies). The radio frequency put off by said antononyms are the exact same frequency as what we call "time". I have said for years now that if you want to time travel, figure out a way to induce a k2 deficiency in an exact ratio of a potassium deficiency... so far science has not figured out how to cause this deficiency but can witness it happening on it's own in very rare cases.
  • @thetruthrover
    One time, I dreamt that a child dressed as "cousin It" caught his shit on fire while standing next to a jack-0-lantern during a candy beg. The next day, on the news, this very thing had happened the night prior in the next county.
  • @markgoddard2560
    There is an explanation to the event Goddard experienced (my grandfather). He told me he was suffering from severe malaria at the time and was hallucinating, and very lucky to get back home in one piece.
  • @Unknown-sg4tv
    How to make Time Travel a good idea 1. Invent time machine 2. Travel to the 23rd century 3. Invent a Device that can alter the odds in that time period 4. Use that Device to make Time Travel a good idea
  • @DaryllJade
    the narrator is one of the voices I can listen to without problems... there are some narrators out there that are more popular, that are so hard to listen to 'coz they're overly dramatic, sounds unnatural and are growing to annoy you after a few minutes of listening.. I am a fan of these type of content where you only have to listen. I always do listen to these type of content while working, so I could really tell when a voice is likable and soothing to listen to or it grows to annoy you over time and are "OVERLY DRAMATIC".. which is not necessary at times.
  • @matts_rantz4982
    I had a Deja Vu day when i was in highschool I don't remember the actual day this happened but. On this day in my 1st period class I was being picked on for getting a question wrong and on top of that failed a quiz as well. I went home and slept woke up and everything was happening at school the same as the day before same question asked by the teacher but this time I answered correctly and the quiz i thought i took the day before I aced it this time. It was very strange but i somehow went back to the same day.
  • More than anything I want to travel back in time and fix all that went wrong with my family.