Passing Bad Checks

Published 2023-12-19
The plaintiff claims her landlord, the defendant, returned her security deposit, but the check bounced. The plaintiff found out her landlord put a stop payment on the check, so she’s suing. The defendant says the plaintiff caused extensive damage to his property, and it took him more than $5,000 to get back to rentable shape.

All Comments (21)
  • @Greenmachine79
    That was no where near $5,000 worth of damage. What a slime ball landlord.
  • @nondescriptnyc
    The landlord is not only creepy and sketchy but also annoying as he11! Judge Judy would have shredded him into pieces.
  • I don't care which side does it but if you're caught in a lie you should lose automatically
  • @stratfordbaby
    Totally illegal to give a check that you intend to cancel.
  • @LeviAaronx
    He shouldn’t have been awarded anything back since you gave her back the security deposit he assume all the responsibility for the damages
  • @louloumagoo2512
    The landlord is not an honest or good person. Absolutely not honorable.
  • @WarGrowlmon18
    The defendant shouldn't have been allowed to keep a PENNY!!!
  • @619chrisoriginal
    I feel like the best defense for the plaintiff would be. He wrote the check. If there was damage after he wrote the check then he shouldn’t have wrote the check
  • @10181ngh
    Even though the defendant was technically entitled to some money, I think he should have lost completely because he bold-faced lied and thought he could charm the judge. He was high-key annoyed that she wouldn't give him space to try and talk around getting caught in a blatant lie.
  • @rihannasc7941
    The landlord is grimy, and $4200 security deposit is crazy!!!!!!
  • Judge: "Do you have pictures of before they moved in?" Defendant:"Yes in a folder called Before They Moved In." 😂😂😂😂😂that cracked me up so hard! Don't mind me yall I'm just silly like that!😂😂
  • @Yanadracoo
    After she realized she wasn’t lying about the tenants living for a year before her. Judge was like whatever you want ! I believe you have fair judgment 💯
  • @Daydream355
    The and lord shouldn't be able to keep a penny from the stopping payment on the check alone. He's also a shady liar who got caught lying about the conditions of the place. What a low life.
  • This was a fair judgement. One month of the security was used as rent. She agreed to the landscaping. Holes in the wall from shelving or pictures aren't normal wear and tear. She got back what she was entitled to. With that said, I would have sued him for the fees related to his check bouncing as well as the stop payment. He shouldn't give back security until he has a maintenance person sign off on the condition of the property. When you do those inspections in a timely manner [within 7-10 days from move out] you can cut checks quickly. Writing a check when you have no intent of honoring could be considered fraud. Also, its best practice to do the walkthrough together.
  • @tmendez31
    The defendant is a scammers and a liar. Why he got anything back is confusing. His creditability was done when he tried to provide evidence that was not appropriate, trying to show the place was pristine. He wrote the check and then put a stop payment on it which is illegal. It was obvious that he was just trying to scam her out of money. Every honest landlord would have assessed the damage and let her know what he was holding money back for before writing a check.
  • @mickm6309
    The landlord was double dipping, he probably kept deposit from the previous tenant for those damages and never bothered to fix them, now he is trying to get her deposit to pay for those damages again.
  • @slmel7
    Fair judgment. Although he should have been penalized for lying multiple time about his pictures.
  • @yung1717
    He gave it back then changed his mind but still gets to keep some? Now she has to litigate what he already agreed. That’s messed up
  • @bjohnson1149
    Regardless of who is right or wrong, it drives me nuts when JM asks a question and then doesn't let the litigant answer. She does the same thing in conversations with her dear husband. Listening is an art and a skill.