Congressional Fundraising: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2016-04-03
Lawmakers have to raise money to keep their jobs, but a surprising amount of their job now consists of raising money. John Oliver sits down with Congressman Steve Israel to discuss the costs of political spending.

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All Comments (21)
  • @joshuaehl1481
    "not what our founders had in mind" That really sums it up.
  • @Razrangel
    "Not bad for wine in a bag!" "Sure. That's fair." I'm DYING. Some of John's best work!
  • Great. To be a successful politician in the U.S. you have to be a good telemarketer. That explains a lot.
  • @tommagennis
    But y'know, fair play to Steve Israel. There's not many politicians who'd just sit there and not just take, but participate in an interview that was mostly a piss-take
  • @MrHousecup
    No wonder politicians never get anything done.
  • Mad props to Rep. Israel for having a wonderful sense of humor and honesty... and bravery to be interviewed by John Oliver. LOL
  • @buckyhate7695
    Define Irony: Red Cruz filibustering Obamacare, by reading a book, of which the moral is "How do you know it's bad, until you try it?"
  • I admire how this man can keep a friendly professional smile while talking about the most horrible, soul-crushing parts of being a politician.
  • Oh god the Congressmen work in a Callcenter 4 hours a day...holy shit I understand why they're all insane.
  • @jackkerger164
    John Oliver is one of those rare personalities I love because they don't cater to the interviewers and keep their own style throughout
  • @dzfz2100
    i gotta say - the congressman was a pretty good sport
  • "What does it pair well with? Street violence?" My sides 😭
  • @Hannahdabeast
    I know it's obviously fucked up how corrupt this is, but all I can think is how SAD it is. Like, I imagine most of these people didn't start in congress because they wanted to be evil and corrupt. They probably wanted to shape their country in their image. Instead of doing things they probably dreamed about, like debating their peers on the floors of congress, or visiting with their constituents, they're forced to basically beg rich people for money just to keep their job. I feel bad for them. At least most people get the respect and dignity of working and earning. These people have to literally beg for anything. And for good leaders, in important districts, it must be even worse. I can't imagine having to beg customers for money on top of having to actually do my job. It's a mark of how deep the corruption must go that they don't try to vote for campaign finance reform. American elections are getting truly perverse in how much money they waste.
  • @rhondadavis614
    John Oliver, thank you for helping me pass my last two high school history exams. It is both a genuinely amazing feat for you and a truly damming sign for our country's education system that I learn more about our government watching you than I have in four months of educational classes. Keep up the good work of teaching your viewers the truth about world wide politics and feeding my newly introduced swearing habit.
  • @weirdotzero7065
    Walt Disney Pictures Presents Congressional Meeting Musical Rated-G There you go Congress. You can use that to earn money.
  • @vladark138
    This show is an epitome of investigative journalism :P
  • @KendrixTermina
    I can't believe this just made me feel sorry for a bunch o' politicians.
  • @thelolilibra
    "it is in my view, a form of torture" smiling intensifies