Murder Drones Plush Shorts - Canadian Energy 3 | Ft. J

Published 2024-05-30
My personal question... how many Canadian Energy's am I gonna make?

eh Whatever, anything to make you laugh and make N commit Funni Mode, I'll do it.


N's hospital run didn't go well from N's Seizure Problem Pt2, but he's out and he's fine... he'll be fine, just never you worry about him he's fin-


#comedy #murderdrones #plushies

All Comments (15)
  • [Seizure Time] V: I don't thing that hospital trip really did anything Uzi: I think he managed to-like... seizure his way out V: how does that even work? N: OK I'm good now V: Jesus Why do you always have a Seizure N: No Clue I just think it's fine Uzi: N having a seizure like-just right there at like a random moment is totally not okay.. V: jus-need to... DRINK drinks BIO Steel N: V is that what I think ur drinking? V: No you're not having any. N: you know our special deal! V: What… N: You let me have BIO Steel...AND I Don't have seizure V: Every time you drink something that-Doesn't... Contain sugar at all you just have a seizure Right there N: Exactly that's the POINT V: HOW IS THAT THE POIN- J comes J- Yo! V: Is that who I- OH MY GID IT'S J N: Huh? Aw my BIO Steel J: hah Howdy Everyone! V: Holy J... How long did it take for you just to get back here huh? J: Uh... I- I got delayed okay? We'll just put it that way- I just got delayed How bout' that? Uzi: I mean that's fair enough reasoning so um... welcome back J J looks at Uzi and is not happy Uzi: wat J: V V: Yeah I know she's still here… what is that a problem? J: V I know we're best friends ‘n all but... But why is she still here V: Because she is And ur gonna deal with that... Uzi: hehehehehehheheheheheehehehehheheheheheeeheheheheheheheehehehehehehehehe J: So uh aside from uh THIS whatruguysdoin? What are you all doin while I was away I I Haven't heard much from N How you doin? N see BIO Steel V: N Don't you frikin dare… N slurps BIO Steel and faints J: did-did he just Faint V: he’s gonna do it J: he's GONNA DO WHAT??? Chaos J: Jesus Christ-what's happening??? V: erm... He's been doing this like Ev Every day... J: waht... Is this like some sort of medical condition? V: I mean it kinda looks like it we sent him to the hospital, he managed to find a way out J: How could he get out of a hospital when he's supposed to have an appointment??? V: That's the point we-really don't know, he's Difficult to understand N done with seizure V: how did your little seizure go? N: it was fine J: HOW IS A SEIZURE FINE?! Uzi: J don't get too much into it It's complicated, he's complicated... J: YOU GUYS DON'T EVEN MAKE SENCE NOW... V: ugh... so... What happens now? Canadian Thinking Noises N: I have an idea Uzi: and what is that N? N: Self Destruct. J: wait what... Uzi: N please don't tell me you're actually gonna self destruct... N: Yep, It's gonna happen. J: waht? THE END. This took a long time!
  • @pvzg22_kg22
    Imagine n-sanity as a plush series, it would be cool.
  • @Zippy1314
    She has arrived. J’s first line, “yo!”
  • @travisriddell
    Verry FUNNI Nice Work and j needs to try bio steel!