Choose Forward

Published 2019-08-25

All Comments (21)
  • @steveb8539
    " I got into politics because of my narcissism and my dad was PM. I wasn't good at much in my life, except costumes, but with my last name, I knew I'd go places."
  • @patdavo3105
    I think he actually believes all of his own BS. He needs a huge reality check and this country needs to wake up to what a disaster he has been for this once great country.
  • @cmac9373
    Choose Forward> to a new Prime Minister; A Prime Minister that doesn’t wear brown face, A prime minster that doesn’t give $10.5 million dollars to convicted terrorists. Yes choose foward👌
  • In an interview with Trudeau I watched him say that small businesses are just a tax avoidance scheme. I was outraged.
  • @cwx8
    BTW pisses me off that hes on a bus, but he cut the transit pass tax deduction.
  • @salianni16
    I made my choice. I want to go back to living like it was in the Harper years. I miss him so much.
  • Almost couldn’t recognize him without the blackface on, guess I need to “move forward for everyone”
  • @sarahmendes6848
    He’s using our earned money for his jet setting, He’s never ridden a bus in his life!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I also find it funny how he’s on a bus yet he took away OUR tax benefit on bus passes! Yet he’s all about the environment!
  • @RockwoodJoe
    I agree, we really need to move forward! We just went sideways for the last four years!
  • @beararms3777
    A vote for trudeau is a vote for terrorism just ask Kadhar who he is going to vote for.
  • @FS02012
    Yet Trudeau took away my public transit tax credit 15% back im the working poor.
  • @kcto
    He talks about things he says the Liberals have done to help average Canadians, such as cutting taxes for the middle class, creating the Canada Child Benefit and introducing their climate change plan — and he fires a broadside at Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives, whom he accuses of trying to block such initiatives." As far as this is concerned, my friends and I are middle class and we have not seen any reduction in our income tax but we have seen increases in all other taxes which means our spending capabilities has gone way down and one of the biggest increases is in the cost of food where prices have sky rocketed. I am probably spending 40% more and getting less then what I was 4 years ago.
  • @koriekory7043
    I can be in such a good mood until I see his commerical come on. It immediately makes my blood boil
  • @canman5060
    The Liberal has already chosen BACKWARDS over the past 4 years with disaster after disaster and scandals after scandals. Now they decide to move forward. Are they sure they have their mind made up ???
  • @charlenem9174
    I will be voting for PM Trudeau and the Liberal Party in the next election based on fairness, affordability, housing and a green economy. Thank you, PM Trudeau, for the Canada Carbon Rebate cheque in April and another cheque on its way in July. It really helps with extra expenses!
  • I love how he’s still attacking Harper. Like wtf man... sorry, person.
  • @PimpyGDawg
    I was looking for an inspiring vision for the future and instead all I got was an attack ad.