The FULL Snowden Interview

Publicado 2020-12-21
Here's my full interview with NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden — it’s the longest interview I've ever posted.
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I once was unsure if Edward Snowden -- who leaked documents showing that the NSA spied on Americans -- was a hero, or a traitor who made us all less safe.

Now I've done my research, and I think he's a hero. What do you think? Our full interview, above, will help you decide.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • I served in the US Army for 24 years. We were all taught that "I was following orders," was not a defense of wrong doing. We were obligated to refuse to follow illegal orders. Snowden saw what happened to others who tried to report illegal activities. Snowden did the right thing. Mr President, please pardon Snowden.
  • @smith0779
    When a whistleblower is treated as a criminal we know we are run by criminals
  • @STAPLES8143
    this man sacrificed his life his citizenship everything to open our eyes to protect us! we should all be fighting for this man
  • So many people choose "to see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil" because of fear.
  • @hosmerhomeboy
    Snowden isn't a traitor; the government has become one.
  • @11fasteddie
    Mr Stossel, let's not forget Politicians Swore an Oath to the Constitution, yet they break that Oath time & time again.
  • Every American must listen to this interview. The truth is startling.
    “If you Rip a man’s tongue out, it is because you fear what he might say.” Edward Snowden is not a whistleblower, he’s a f””king American Hero! PERIOD
  • @tinaethridge5288
    Snowden should receive a full pardon. He's a whistleblower not a criminal!
  • @hollyambrose229
    Watching this in 2024. You’re probably better off than we are. God Bless
  • @joshuabrooks7400
    I'm amazed that this interview is still available on YouTube after 3 years
  • @ellenharrow1621
    Snowden was a whistleblower for ethical, justifiable reasons. He took the chance that, through his actions, he might suffer gravely, and yet he still acted. This is a true heroism.
  • @marshall4759
    They would have Epsteined him if he had gone through "proper channels"