Natan Sharansky - Antisemitism Is A Progressive Problem | The Winston Marshall Show #002

Published 2024-01-30
What does a man learn about human nature, human evil, totalitarianism, and God in Russia’s most brutal prison labor camps? Could it help one predict the precipitous rise of antisemitism across the world? Natan Sharanksy saw it all coming.

Natan's life sits at the nexus of progressive antisemitism and Soviet totalitarianism. Nine years in the gulag on trumped-up charges, but in large part owing to his attempted immigration to Israel. When finally free, Sharansky served Israel in politics, including as Deputy Prime Minister.

I spoke with him in Jerusalem to discuss the ongoing Israel-Hamas Conflict, the power of left-wing antisemitism, the triumph of neo-marxism in the West, and, of course, his time in the gulag.

Sharansky is a national treasure in Israel. He gives valuable context to the October 7th Massacre, why it is different from all pogroms in history, and what it portends for the future.
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All Comments (21)
  • @oferst24
    Sharansky is a hero of humanity
  • @alexs6250
    "The only thing Jewish about us was antisemism"
  • @carolnearson7932
    I have to say, I am so impressed with you, Winston. Your intellect, your guests, your questions, your references. Your podcasts are very very good!
  • @chrissi3193
    Sharansky is an unalloyed hero, the very embodiment of human defiance . He's more relevant to us today than he was,even back in the 70s.
  • @jennyv5901
    The man is 76 years old!!! How amazing is this, to look so great and be able to express yourself so clearly at that age .
  • @paper_panda
    Great job interviewing Mr. Sharansky. Hope you had a pleasant stay in Israel. Thank you for highlighting the truth, it means a lot in times like these.
  • @esthertschwartz
    I was the elementary school student that accompanied her parents to the annual March down 5th Ave in Manhattan for the Struggle for Soviet Jewry. I was in Washington when Gorbachev met with Reagan. I met and befriended Soviet Union Jews who finally came to America for freedom. I then moved to Israel. Natan Sharansky is a humble giant in the Jewish world and I very much appreciate your hosting him on your show. Looking forward to more! Please consider Dr. Mordechai Kedar!
  • @Neo_Red_Pill
    We stand with Israel . Bring them Home . Pls keep educating the west 🙏🌼🤝
  • @Didleeios88
    What an inspiration! That man is something else.
  • @fashion010101
    I was incredibly moved by this interview! As someone who grew up Jewish in the former Soviet Union in the 1970's and 80's I could definitely relate to the stories about brutal antisemitism and suppression of our Jewish identity by the Soviet government. Thank you for your wisdom and courage Mr Sharansky!
  • What a lovely man. Thank you for introducing me to Natan Sharansky. Excellent interview.
  • @seancrooner6453
    Your conversation with Mr Sharansky was utterly riveting and profoundly moving….and I thought Douglas Murray could hardly be bettered. Wow; a fantastic start to your programme Winston. You are doing the world, and all of us, an immense service. Keep going!
  • A fantastic interview. First time I take the time to listen to Sharansky and I am really touched.
  • @brecht9322
    Winston I was not familiar with you before this interview and just wanted to say thank you.
  • @ab9388
    This interview was incredibly moving and powerful. There are giants who move amongst us, people who have been through the worst and continue to better the world with their presence and lessons. He should be preaching to every school
  • @davidr4523
    Great video. Natan Sharansky has lead such an amazing life that they could make a movie out of it. I wish the interviewer would have asked Sharansky the following question. 1. If the Russians did not like the Jews, then why were not permitted to leave Russia? 2. How come so many of the Russian oligarchs are Jewish? 3. How much of Israel success, especially in technology, can you attribute to Russian Jews?
  • @eyemc2450
    As Italian I remember the story of an old friend of mine who was a pilot during the IIWW. He was the last to bring the mail to the army in the siege of Stalingrad. The were surrounded by the Soviets in Nikolajevka. Flying back but still in Russian soil he saw something that attracted his attention and lowered down to have a better look. On one side of a long pit dug into the ground there stood many people facing some soldiers on the other side. Then the soldiers started shooting and the people fell into the pit. My friend had no idea of what was going on, but he suspected that he had been watching a murder of Jews.
  • @patireads
    What an amazing interview! This is my first time listening to Sharansky, and I so want to know more about his life story. I'm already searching for his books. Thank you for making this podcast Winston. From a person who is seeing her country going toward a very difficult path it's so important to listen to amazing voices like the ones of Mr. Murray and Mr. Sharansky. Thank you.