Is it Transphobic to like Harry Potter in 2020?

Published 2020-10-08
As a lifelong, die-hard Harry Potter fan, and as an advocate in the queer community, everything in the news with JK Rowling lately has been very upsetting. It's left me questioning - am I allowed to still like Harry Potter? Am I a bad person to still like the books and movies? Is it Transphobic to like Harry Potter in 2020? I discuss 5 thoughts on the matter.

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Feature: Jay Bryan Art


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All Comments (9)
  • Here’s how I see it. I think JK Rowling’s views are appalling and I think it’s horrific she’s writing a book about a guy who dresses as a woman and kills people considering her views. That being said, I own the books and I own the movies and have for a long time way before any of us knew that she is transphobic. I’m a Harry Potter fan and I will enjoy the original 7 books and the original 8 movies that I already own. But I will not be seeing any of the new fantastic beasts movies, I will not watch the new Harry Potter tv series on HBO MAX, I will not buy her new books, etc, etc. I won’t be giving another dime to that woman.
  • @spookyspice596
    It is possible to still enjoy HP without supporting JKR. You can buy the books and merchandise second hand or support local artists (especially trans artists and/or artists who donate to LGBTQ+ charities) who make HP fan art among other things. It’s okay to love something but still be aware of it problematic creator because at the end of the day, you could argue that it’s more immoral to drive a car or shop at Walmart. What I’m not okay with, however, is the cancel culture surrounding JKR because I feel like it’s done more harm than good. If people hadn’t jumped on JKR for liking transphobic tweets instead of telling her why they (the tweets, I mean) were wrong, she wouldn’t have felt the need to go on the defence and write that essay, thus shooting herself in the foot. Now, people respond to her with anger and while that anger is justified, no one learns from anger. She isn’t going to learn about trans people if we keep yelling at her and frame her as a monster. If anything, she’s just going to stand her ground and stick to her TERF-y beliefs. Even then, how does cancelling her actually benefit trans people? Who are you saving when you shame fans for loving what they do?  Like you said, kill ‘em with kindness. The anger surrounding this situation is doing no one any favours. Instead of responding with anger, respond with kindness. Donate to LGBTQ+ charities, respect peoples’ gender identities and pronouns, be kind to people, do what you love. Just don’t be a dick. At the end of the day, JKR isn’t Voldemort. She’s more like Umbridge and we are the Order of the Pheonix.
  • @MrsCutieeCake
    Considering the new shit going on (Like Johnny Depp being fired from WB and Fantastic Beasts), I am doubtful of watching the new Fantastic Beasts. Like I don't support her beliefs nor what she says about people coming out (I have one friend who came out few years ago), but I still want to enjoy HP what it was (Magical, inspriring, encouraging) and not for what it is now (Bigotry, trans-hate, etc). I still want to watch the new Fantastic Beasts movie, but someone else has to pay for my ticket 'cause I won't be supporting JK anymore.
  • It's definitely a complicated topic and I am a huge HP fan. I have a trans friend who used to love Harry Potter until JK Rowling ruined it and has been very vocal about not giving her another cent or supporting her work in future. I agree with this to a degree but I feel like JK Rowling is already rich. It's not like she will be financially impacted by her words and I fear as a result she won't be discouraged. She already gave back an award. She is steadfast in her beliefs. I will not be paying for anymore of her merchandise or paying to consume her content but if I get a gift from someone, I will be happy to receive it.
  • Whatever JK Rowling said about the trans people, it is absolutely wrong!! And I totally disagree with it. But, that is NOT her mistake... It's her opinion!! It may be wrong and offensive, but to her it may be right. You should say that it is a mistake and she should apologize for it! And I am not saying this becuz she like a goddess to me but because it is right! And like any other human, she also have a right to form opinions about different people and share it, just because she is the BEST author does not mean that her beliefs should be along the popular opinion. So please don't tell her to apologize for forming an opinion!