Jubilee's Trans vs Conservative Video is WILD (Pt.2)

Published 2023-01-20

All Comments (21)
  • Honestly these little Jubilee conferences are the fakest, most performative thing ever. The point of these conversations should be to meet a middle ground between the two but the moderator never really does that. They just let both parties ping pong their beliefs back at each other and go home. They left the debate feeling the exact same way they did when they came into it, so what was the point ?
  • As someone who was born female at birth I was always considered "manly" because of my shoulders, hands, feet and voice especially since I'm shorter then the average female, people really need to understand that woman are not all petite and fragile or things like that. Just like men aren't all strong.
  • @Elemenopi23
    So sick of people hiding behind religion, who think the first amendment = they can dehumanize people and call it Jesus.
  • As a biological female who has VERY HIGH LEVELS of testosterone in my body, when I was in high school, I was one of the best weight lifters in my entire class, even when compared to men. My squat was 160lbs and my bench and deadlift were both 140lbs. I was also just... absolutely terrible at sports. I was horrific. I have asthma. You would not want me on your team. Message of this anecdote: There is more that goes into whether or not you are good at sports than just if you're biologically female or not ❤️
  • I bet Jubilee could do “Racists vs POC” and the comments would defend the racists saying “iT’s JuSt ThEiR oPiNiOn!1!1!1!1!1!1!”
  • Personally, I find the whole "big differences between the sexes" is funny, because who do you think we are? Cutout cookies? There are so many different types of body types, and they overlook that.
  • "Gender identity sexual orientation non of that matters to a God that loves all" THAT'S WHATI'M SAYING!!!!!!!!
  • One of the things that kills me about so many of these Jubilee videos is that the conservatives on the panel aren’t just random people. They are usually part of some conservative political group or think tank so they come armed with all the talking points and media training that the other regular people on the panels don’t have. They’re ready to come on and dominate the conversation and spread their nasty propaganda, not have any kind of honest discourse.
  • Anybody that uses the Religion argument against Trans People really needs a lesson on how Religious Freedom works.
  • @ikey6779
    In the juiblee video someone said that 60-70% of ppl grow out of GD. But everything iv read says the opposite that you don't grow out of it. So where the hell did she get that statistic.
  • @malonee
    “Male wingspan male handsize” bruh, some women are taller than me with bigger hands and wider wingspans. Are they not allowed to enter women’s sports?
  • @boneil0824
    24:35 when you talk about "a lot of men too" it meant a lot. As a man who's been a SA victim, it's nice to see it being acknowledged because it's not often talked about. I also agree, a lot of Trans and Cis women face the same issues, and it makes no sense why they can't support one another. I'm not trans, and TBH I can't say I fully can even understand the concept properly (though between you and Sam Collins I have a better understanding) because I'm cisgendered and I know I can never fully put myself in that mindset, but as a gay guy I know how it feels to get hatred for something you can't change. I know how shitty it feels when all you want to do is live your best life and others put you down for it. I'll always support trans, LGBT+, and anyone else's rights because in the end of the day, why not? If a person wants to transition it doesn't affect my life in any way. It doesn't change anything about me or my personality. And if it's what makes someone happier, if that how they feel their life is the best, then I see no reason to have a problem with that. I just don't know why people can't just grow up and realize that everyone deserves the right to be happy and live their life in the way that makes them have the best quality of life
  • @noahchars849
    I read the title “Jubilee vs Trans”, and that may as well be the case.
  • @TheMarxist70
    These terfs are infuriating. im a cis het dude that has osteoporosis and very poor bone density and muscle mass due to liver disease (I got a life saving transplant on Christmas Eve. But even now I only weigh 138 pounds at 6 foot 3”). So does this bigtime think that I’m less of a dude?!?
  • @salamanda11
    What is with Amala? Young people with gender dysphoria aren’t “blindly affirmed.” Determining whether or not medical intervention is necessary is an extensive process. Doctors aren’t handing out hormones to any kid who says they feel like a different gender for the first time.
  • @Prismina
    One of my 12th grade students in Texas has to play on the girls tennis team as a trans man despite having been on t for quite a while. He has a beard ffs! The state says that F on his birth certifcate is the only thing that matters. Conservatives are the ones making boys compete on girls teams.
  • @alphi4868
    Trans women have been allowed to compete in women’s events in the Olympics since like 2004. Number of gold medals won by trans women since then = 0 Number of silver medals won by trans women since then = 0 Number of bronze medals won by trans women since then = 0 Number of trans women who EVEN QUALIFIED = 1 Yup, we’re out here dominating.
  • @violaivy
    It's ~interesting~ to me that people who complain about trans women in sports never mention sports where having more body mass, being taller is a disadvantage. Like in figure skating, where jumps are generally easier for shorter, more petite people. Even male skaters tend to be on the shorter side when compared to men in general. Still, assigned sex at birth alone doesn't determine how tall etc you are, people are different. And sports are already not fair because some people are just better at some sports due to their biology (like you need to be tall to professionally play basketball and so on). HOWEVER biology alone doesn't determine everything like nobody is a successful athlete because of their bone density. Also anti trans stuff often targets recreational sports, sports for children where it's not about being an athlete, winning scholarships or anything it's just people having a hobby or being on a school team. It's really sad and no matter how much they talk about fairness, this ain't it. I also think it should be up to the organizations and professionals of each sport to determine criteria about trans people competing. Which they already are, as trans people in sports aren't a new thing. And it's a small percentage of athletes so people who talk about trans women dominating sports are clearly lying or listen to people who are.
  • @sadfaery
    You are stronger than I am to react to all of this. I may have to follow this up with a Heartstopper palate cleanser. Thank you for having these discussions about stuff like this.