Helicopter Super Landing Zone - Yehorivka

Published 2020-03-30

I tried my hand at building a Super LZ for helicopters to land and resupply/repair the gas station on the map Yehorivka. The field in front of the LZ is protected by a layer of sandbags with murder holes to shoot out front but the helicopters are protected with hasco walls placed behind the sandbag line to prevent enemies from using the murder holes against our team. The front of the sandbag line is also fortified with a layer of razor wire to prevent the enemies from pushing past them.

I've also built a mortar and Heavy MG nest in the wooded area to the left of the LZ along with a heavy MG nest on the right side near the road.

The LZ also has a repair station for helicopters or friendly armor to repair at while having the entire front area protected from enemy fire.

Obviously, this would've gone a lot quicker with an entire squad helping me build it. I spent an hour building it myself using the admin codes while in offline/training map. I only realized after building everything that I did have a few gaps in my hasco walls and they weren't lined up properly. If I had a whole squad building as I was laying them down, it would've looked a lot neater.

I hope you enjoy my Super LZ and look forward to seeing me post gameplays of me building superfobs! :)

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