US enemies are not gonna like this video...

Published 2022-08-17

All Comments (21)
  • @pyeitme508
    Yep, though Abraham Lincoln did say: "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and loss our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
  • @MrChillerNo1
    The dangers for America lie within, not on the outside...
  • @hiddenleif6854
    Imagine trying to occupy Florida and discovering that “Florida man” is in fact hundreds of thousands of mans 😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  • @DurpMustard
    As I like to say about my hometown of Savannah, GA: “Where there’s space, there’s a big ass Air Force base”
  • @tim01263
    Plus, your average town has the combined armoury the size of a small nations army.
  • @splender88
    As others have pointed out the biggest threat to Americans are other Americans. United we stand divided we fall has never been more true.
  • After Pearl Harbor, I think the US has collectively agreed that you do not mess with our boats....
  • As an Australian, I am proud to call America our friend! They have been by our side since WW2 and have always protected us.
  • @dmnguye69
    Enemy doesn’t need to physically attack us, our 2 political parties are doing a dandy job dividing the people from within
  • Be very, very aware that our enemies asked this question at a drawing board before..."If we can't beat them physically aka militarily then how else might we beat them?" Answer is collapse from within.
  • @mw-dc1by
    They wouldn't even get past the dogs.
  • @magic22222222222
    We do have antimony here, we just stopped mining it because it was no longer is very high demand since it was cheaper from other countries. If we really needed to get more, we could easily reopen mines
  • When he mentioned that citizens might join the fight to defend the motherland i literally laughed out loud... regular citizens wouldn't just join the fight they would want to be the front lines. I live rural midwest and I can tell you right now you would see farm trackers turned into tanks with machine guns on top.... thats just the start.
  • @kikoman780311
    The hardest part about defending the motherland would be its civilian population unable to contain their excitement.
  • In the 70s I had a company course and flew to Pennsylvania. One weekend I went to the Pocono Mts and to get there I drove on Interstate 80 and realized that I could drive a half mile from my house near the coast of California, get on the freeway, and with enough gas could travel almost 3,000 miles without ever encountering a stop sign or light. - God bless America
  • China is slowing take over piece by piece without a shot fired. In my city have a company called INGRAM/MICRO they do licensing and sales of Microsoft products and have 4000 employees. A Chinese shipping company just bought them out for 8.5 billion dollars.
  • I am a legal immigrant and now a full-pledged US citizen, so my perspective is coming from that. What I have observed from US-born Americans is that, they can be kind, nice and smiling. They are also the most generous people on earth. Many would donate to just about anyone who needs help even if they are not rich themselves. But if their way of life, livelihood and existence are threatened, their enemies will know hell. It will not matter their creed, race, political affiliation or religion. They are not pushovers.
  • @bmint
    Japanese Admiral Yamamoto is claimed to have said, "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."
  • @andyokus5735
    Our biggest secret: Our entire underground tunnel system across all of the USA.
  • From Atlantic to Pacific...gee, the traffic is terrific. We make the military supplies and Brandon leaves them behind in Kabul. What a country!