Prison: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2014-07-20
America's prisons are broken. Just ask John Oliver and several puppets.

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All Comments (21)
  • @madman3470
    Solitary confinement is defined as torture by the UN
  • @MorpheusOne
    Saying it for emphasis: Should never be operated for profit: 1. Healthcare 2. Prisons 3. Education Corresponds exactly with: 1. Life 2. Liberty 3. Pursuit of happiness
  • @goompo
    Video title: Prison Thumbnail: Sesame Street Me: *Concern*
  • @welme23
    The cell size question had me like: Oh, right. The poison. The poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. ...
  • @outlawJosieFox
    Privatised prisons are completely unethical as it is the state which is supposed to be punishing you, not shareholders making money from your misery.
  • @entertain7us148
    I've never understood why we as a society feel so comfortable joking about male on male rape.
  • @Gilhelmi
    Sesame Street also teaches children how to handle the fact that a parent died while serving in the military (or police). No, I am not joking, I still have the DVD's.
  • @CrossfacePanda
    Having watched a bunch of John Oliver vids the last couple of days, one thing has become very evident to me: the man seems to have a real love for musicals. He's not super overt about it (except for the ending segment on this episode, of course), but there's hints about it here and there in almost every episode. Not that I blame him, I love them too :P.
  • @KaleidoAbridged
    Alright, I've been watching these shows for a while now, and I just have to ask this: Americans, what does your government DO? Because you have to pay for healthcare, you have to pay for high education, the government doesn't take care of prisons...what do they do? Are they even a government at this point, they don't do any of the jobs they  are supposed to do.
  • @gabem4208
    You know it's bad when Elmo has to tell kids about prison
    This is like the third prison video I've seen by John and they make me cry almost every time. I spent 23 months in jail and it was for a good reason, I was in jail for distribution, but the thing that makes me sad is that as soon as I became a prisoner I became just a number to people, and who cares about a number? Like I am just one of the millions of criminals in the country and why should we take care of those people? They're criminals, they've broken the law, they don't deserve care. That's the way it seems like everybody sees people in jail, and it doesn't matter who the person actually is, it only matters that what they did broke the law and that justifies treating them as subhuman. It's really hard to watch these videos and be reminded that for a good chunk of my life I was considered subhuman by a lot of people.
  • @mcparker8408
  • @S0RGEx
    I did a 14 page research paper on private prisons and got a 100, thanks for the topic idea, John :)
  • @ameynanote
    When John Oliver started Singing this became one of the greatest videos on his channel.
  • i spent 22 days in solitary, nothing to read, no pen to write, i was considering bashing my head against a wall to get some attention, i got some books which relived the madness.
  • @akamuleodog
    The “Arizona lawmaker “/ “take it with a grain of sugar” is despicable. His name is John Kavanagh. If you live in Arizona please do some research on him and remember what you learn just in case you are ever in a situation where you are thinking about trusting him. If anyone can find information that shows I am wrong about him please let me know. His story is very disheartening.
  • @isaacs8783
    I like how Sesame Street explains being in prison to young children 'My dad's in jail, and I'm sad' deep talk about what being in prison means 'Right everybody DANCE NUMBER DANCE NUMBER!'
  • @DIESEL0759
    Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO): The only show on television that has to deal with the racial profiling of crocodiles.
  • @mdlm1812
    It really is a shame that we’ve lost the idea of forgiveness, empathy, sympathy. People fall and it is really up to all of us to help lift them back up. Most humans have lost grace.