Don't ya just hate bike cops?

Published 2024-06-10

All Comments (20)
  • @ImaginaryMdA
    It's not illegal to take photos of police, btw. One of these days cops should realize this.
  • In 1987 or so in Tucson i actually got pulled over by a cop who was in a car and I was on a bike. I was laughing. He said, "something funny?" I said, "not any more". He gave me a ticket. I went to pay it. The person working there looked at the ticket and said, "are you serious?" I said yup. Paid the ticket 28 bucks. Taxpayer dollars at work.
  • I like the way this guy delivers. It’s like hanging out, talking to a friend, tell a story.
  • @julesw70
    Keith is one of the best storytellers around. Always love watching him work.
  • This is so funny, Keith! Office Mustache and Officer Sunglasses. lol.
  • Keith! I am so sorry they treated you this way though. Not ok. Also, way to get a free headshot!
  • @tylercarrell
    I’ve been stopped by the police more than most in the 12 years I’ve had my license, my conservative estimate would be 90-100 times. I can almost always talk my way out of just about any ticket, out of the 90-100+ tomes I’ve been stopped. i only received 9 tickets (all of which were later dismissed in court)… that being said, every time a motorcycle cop has stopped me they’ve given me a ticket. I got stopped once on my motorcycle immediately after pulling out of a parking lot because “ i accelerated to quickly” since i only made it 50 yards from the parking lot i wasn’t speeding.. but he still came up with a BS ticket to give me cause he was pissed.. it was for riding with my helmet visor open.
  • @icee2943
    very under rated. definitely deserves more attention.
  • @jayandreas1131
    1st amendment. Smith v Cumming. 4th amendment violation.
  • If your story really happened like that a lawsuit won false imprisonment no real crime was committed in your story
  • Great Humorous Story! But Sad Thats how Reality Is Now days
  • @DailySource
    This video deserves more views than it’s gotten. Please like it and leave a comment because both of those things will cause YouTube to show it to more people. I’ve never heard of this comic, but he deserves more views.
  • @NeoRocket001
    20 years ago I too got pulled over in my town of 40k pop by a bicycle cop on one of the rare occasions I was on a bicycle. Me and my wife. And my wife likes my sense of humor and knows I can be a smarttass and I see her look of "don't do it" as soon as the cop swaggers up and asks... "Doya know why I pulled you over?" pregnant pause "Ummm because I messed up? Left a hand hangin out?" Cop, screws his face up, "What are you talking about?" "You know... The body in the trunk... Of my bike." Longggg deadpan look on the part of the cop. Long story short he was just touching bases with people on bikes and pedestrians informing the town had added bicycle cops and we could expect to see them around town. The trial run didn't last long and was discontinued as soon as summer started and never was restarted. Turns out while bicycle cop programs are cool in Long Beach and on the California coast and NYC and so... It may not be the best idea for a Southern Aridzona town with temps hitting 110f sometimes in early MAY! lol
  • Golly. Act like a jackass and then get treated like one. Shocking.