The Healthcare System of France

Published 2014-04-27
We've covered the United States and Canada. today, we cross the Atlantic to discuss the healthcare System in France. Their system is a combination of universal social insurance with some optional private overlays. It's expensive (relative to most), but it's arguably the best in the world. Watch and learn why.

Those of you who want to read more and see references can go here:

John Green -- Executive Producer
Stan Muller -- Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll -- Writer
Mark Olsen -- Graphics

All Comments (21)
  • @BarreDeFaire
    I grew up in France in a middle class family, only my dad worked and my mom was taking care my 3 siblings and me at home. They never had to worry about healthcare expenses. I have now been living in the US for the last 8 years and I just can't understand how Americans can deal with such a shitty and expensive healthcare system. In France, we would have been protesting in streets (it's a national sport) long ago to demand for a better healthcare system...
  • @camilledumeige3
    People say that if Breaking Bad took place in France Walter White would have handed his carte vitale and end of story.
  • @niwanotanuki
    Please excuse my english as I am french; I never comment YouTube Videos but I must say I find this explanation of my country's healthcare system and the comments made by people from different countries very interesting, especially comments from some american citizens. I am really happy with my healthcare system and though I know it's very costly I'd rather sacrifice everything else in order to keep it as it is. I know that if I get sick, i will be taken care of, I'll get surgery or expensive new drug if needed, whatever money I make, whatever job I have or not. I can choose a doctor or a hospital I like, they can charge me what they want, I'll get reimbursed based on the regular prices and my extra insurance (provided by my company) will take care of the rest. I never feel like I am being forced into a system. I never feel like it is institutionnalized charity. What I feel when I benefit from it is the meaning of the third word of our national moto : Fraternity. I am happy to collectively pay taxes that will help my fellow citizens and inhabitants of France because together we are a nation and we must help each other as such. I know it is a cultural difference, but I cannot stand it when I read someone who wrote "I don't want to pay for anyone else but me; poor people who cannot afford healthcare are responsible for their own lack of fortune (they lazy people); too bad for unlucky people but let them rely on charity". Like it is people fault that they got sick, or couldn't afford to a monstrously expensive university to get a job that can cover their health expenses. I can't believe everything is up to the individuals. I think we are molded by the cultural and social background we come from and we cannot do anything about that and it is unfair to blame people for not winning the birth lottery. Of course people are not equal and will never be. But I think that in a country, as a nation, as a state it is my citizen duty to support a system, how imperfect it might be,  that help people at least be freed from the worst injustice of all, so that they can keep their dignity as human being. I would add that I am absolutely not shocked by anything state-run like many americans are; for a long time state lead industrial ventures in France were very succesful and prestigious and it still rings on in nowaday society (like the very cheap prices for excellent broadband and high-speed internet coverage). Our country was built around the idea that "the people is the state, the state is the people". It is a very long comment I know, but sometimes it has to get out! :-)
  • @kurzgesagt
    Even if the french system is expensive – if the outcome is that good we should adapt it everywhere.
  • Health care in France may be relatively expensive, but you get what you pay for, unless you're American and you just pay more thinking it's better.
  • @CoJau911
    French med student here, making 250 euros a month (i know...). Last year i had to undergo major surgery. On week in a private hospital, an MRI, a day in surgery and all other expenses : 2,500 euros. (When i see American prices i seriously don't understand) 2,200 were covered by Social Security, 200 euros by my individual insurance. I had to pay 100 euros (less than 150$). Best health care system ever !
  • @Tetratronic
    Maaaan, I had no idea the French healthcare system is THIS good.
  • @kd1s
    Thanks for exposing the fact that we in the U.S. have one of the worst and most expensive health care systems in the world. I would welcome the French solution here - or even the British or Canadian systems. The way we handle health care in the U.S. is ludicrous. 
  • @Hesttia
    As a French person I can say that I trully appreciate that anyone (even foreigners) can walk in an hospital and be taking care of regardless of their financial or social situation. No one will ask you if you can afford a test or a procedure before helping you. Because if you can't afford something the government will help you pay. Most hospitals will also make payments plans to help if it's necesarry. We have amazing benefits. Also as a woman I can get the pill nearly for free for my entire life (I understand daily contraception is expensive in certain countries). We are truly bless on this topic. But don't get me wrong we're French so we still find ways to complain about it of course.
  • My French teacher had an accident while in France. Saw a specialist, got x rays and pain meds, etc. Hell they even offered to fix it that day. He was so worried about the cost especially as a foreigner but it cost him nothing literally. Now that's quality.
  • @hathejoker
    France's healthcare system sounds insane in a good way. Kudos the the French.
  • @Timmie1995
    I'm Dutch, and when I saw this video, I thought: 'Wow, that's got to be really expensive, if you pay so little as a patient. We have to pay more, but it saves the government money.' Then I saw we spend even more. Where does all that money go?
  • @LeonNikkidude
    US should learn from French system.The best hands down!
  • @srabbelier
    The French system sounds to me more or less like what health care should be like. Didn't know that France has their health care ducks in order to this extent.
  • @neurokid1
    I couldn't hear anything beyond FREE MEDSCHOOL are you freaking kidding me....
  • @789french5
    As an actual Frenchman I can vouch for how awesome the system here is. I pay 3 euros to go see my doctor (can pick whoever I want) and because I'm a student all my prescriptions are free!  If you don't have a "mutuél" (the plans that cover the 15% of drug costs la sécurité sociale doesn't, the costs are around 1-2 euros a box. The one downside of the system is that the French consume a LOT of medications. You can get pure codeine and ethlymorphine OTC and we consume the most SSRI and Benzo's in the world. So that is probably the worst, we actually get too much healthcare and the pharma industry profits :/
  • @MrCracou
    The fact is that in France and most countries people just don't understand some US TV shows when they say "they have huge meical bills, they are bankrupt". It just does not exists there (there is not even a comonly used word to define "personnal bankrupcy").
  • @romainamuat3910
    It is funny. I have a French friend here in Georgia, with a pretty good insurance, who preferred to pay for a plane travel to get hospitalized in France even if it was a standard operation to the elbow.
  • Pretty much from this video we can conclude that France is the bets place to go for health insurance. If someone works, then they have healthcare! Its amazing how countries can find a way to get the job don when it comes to health. Things that we aren't even close to covering in the U.S., they cover in France. One distinction in France is that doctors make far less money but they receive more benefits (medical school for free). This is a trend that other countries will struggle to adopt because they're too money hungry. The best part is that the people of France do not pay that much for their healthcare. Lastly, the fact that cancer patients in this country can get any drug they want is awesome. We're talking even experimental drugs! The French are doing things right in every way possible, other countries seriously need to look into their healthcare system.
  • @clarak1586
    My mom has cancer, she goes to different specialists and appointments every other week, a nurse comes to our house to test her blood levels and inject her meds that cost around 1000 euros each every month. All 100% free. I cannot imagine living in the us, i would be terrified to get hurt or sick and be in such debt all because something unfortunate and unplanned happened to me.