Is The Ketogenic Diet Good For You?

Published 2023-11-24
👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️ Welcome to a special extended edition of Talking with Docs! 🎥 In this episode, our expert physicians take you on a journey deep into the world of the ketogenic diet. 🌐 Whether you're a keto enthusiast or just curious, we've meticulously dissected the pros and cons to provide you with a comprehensive understanding.

🔍 Join us as we unravel the science behind the ketogenic diet, exploring its potential benefits like enhanced fat burning and increased energy levels. Our seasoned doctors share invaluable insights on how this dietary approach can be a game-changer for some individuals.

🚫 But wait, there's more! We don't shy away from discussing the potential drawbacks and considerations that come with embracing keto. From nutritional concerns to long-term effects, we've got your questions covered.

🤯 Get ready for an in-depth discussion that goes beyond the surface, arming you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your health. Whether you're considering the ketogenic diet or just want to broaden your understanding, this episode is a must-watch!

🍽️ Grab your favorite healthy snack, settle in, and let's navigate the fascinating landscape of the ketogenic diet together. Don't forget to hit subscribe and join the conversation in the comments below! 🗣️💬 #KetoDeepDive #TalkingWithDocs #HealthExploration #KnowledgeIsPower 🌟


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All Comments (21)
  • @rontiemens2553
    Thanks to keto, I lost 150 lbs between May 2021 and May 2022 and have kept weight off since. Lowered BP from 195/105 to 110/67 and got off blood pressure meds. And list goes on. Best thing is I am “home” with this style of eating. Haven’t had a potato chip or a slice of bread in 2 1/2 years. Haven’t had so much as a sniffle, either. Best health decision I have ever made.
  • @ronaldjones996
    I am a retired family physician. Over three years keto with sustained weight loss of over 30# and 67y/o.
  • @3cardmonty602
    I went Keto 5 years ago and lost 150lbs within 2 years. I am still keto. I even was keto during Open Heart Surgery to replace an aortic valve that had a 5mm hole in it. Not related to keto. Endocarditis. Good thing I went from 321lbs to 170lbs before my surgery, or else I fear I would not be here telling you my story. I am now 63 years old and in the best shape of my life. My lipids on Keto are: Total Cholesterol=186, Triglycerides=46, HDL=62, LDL=115, VLDL=9. I do have to watch that I get plenty of electrolytes: Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, & to a lesser extent Calcium, as Keto makes you pee a lot. I stay away from Stevia because it is a diuretic and a vasodilator.
  • @Truth15freedom
    Been loose keto (Cheto) for almost a year, feel better and down about 40 pounds. Eat more vegetables than I used to. Doc said my blood work was pristine. Triglycerides were almost 400 now around 50. Very substantial and in no way a starvation diet.
  • @dacisky
    I have dione keto for 19 years for IBS and it has helped me and I will never stop.
  • @superdvd5
    I've been keto for 7 years, no problems sticking to the diet. I focus more on protein and mono unsaturated fats. Trigs went from 250 down to 90, HDL up from 30 to 62. HbA1c 4.8, fasting insulin 2.7.
  • @stevenl34
    I've been on keto for 1 year and lost 65lbs and feel great. I'm 70 and feel a lot younger . I never feel hungry. I eat a lot of meats and leafy greens. My doctor took me off blood pressure meds and told me to keep doing what I was doing because my bloodwork is better now than it was. I don't consider it as a diet . Its more of not eating stuff that's not good for you like pasta ,breads, cereal, rice . They all made me feel tired. I will be eating this way for ever.
  • 64 years years old, diagnosed T2 diabetes a bit more than 5 years ago. Started low carb right after diagnosis and 3 months after got retested and A1C had returned to normal. Lost over 50 lbs, reduced BP, brain fog, aches and pains. I was a normal weight for most of my life, but once in my 40s-50s, started to gain fast. Tried low fat, more veg less meat and was constantly hungry. 3 months was the longest I could sustain the restriction. Always loved cooking and made lots of different foods -loved the variety and always looked for something different. Hardly went a few hours without thinking of food and what to eat next. After more than 5 years on low carb, I’ve maintained my improved health and weight loss. I don’t obsess about food anymore. When travelling I don’t have to worry about when I can get to some food as I can easily go for a day without eating if I need to. Love this lifestyle.
  • Docs you are the ones calling it a diet. I call keto a way of life. Been eating keto for 7 years and my metabolic panel improved tremendously and I am no longer obese. To many of us it’s just a lifestyle way of eating. The Keto community is growing and is really not as restrictive as you think. After 7 years I no longer crave the high sugar type foods. So me the choice between meds and keto, I go with Keto. Good discussion.
  • I am 20 months into a keto diet after becoming dangerously pre-diabetic. I've lost 35 lbs, brought down my A1C, lowered my blood pressure, and best of all. . .I don't obsess about food anymore. Energy levels, sleep, and mental alertness have also improved. I'm keto for life, because I'd rather die than to go back on a carb-heavy diet and how it made me feel.
  • @pong4life
    I was on a standard diet for most of my life. 10 years ago I felt I was getting older and my health was declining. 3 years ago I got on Keto diet. I now feel much younger, my health better than 10 years ago, and have no problem sticking to this diet, contrary to what plant-baed people would like to have you believe. I love the eggs, meat, and low carb veggies. I don't crave refined carbohydrates any more.
  • @lwarteman
    I am 60. For years I have suffered with acid reflux thinking it was caused by high acid or spicy foods. I have had endoscopies and seen GI docs, none of whom ever suggested I might have a food sensitivity of some kind like gluten. I decided to eliminate gluten, processed sugar & corn from my diet. This has been eye opening. I can drink coffee & eat tomato sauce in the same day now with no GERD or other problems. I am not on a keto specific diet because I eat fruits as well. I was born lactose intolerant & could not have milk as a child, however I am able to eat other dairy products such as cream, cottage & aged cheeses in moderation. My belly also feels so much less bloated. I don't believe most Americans have much tolerance for gluten or corn. The frankenwheat & GM corn are not the same as what I ate as a kid. Bread in Europe is much more digestible than here in the U.S. Food there is not so over processed.
  • @frithar
    I'm on the anti-sugar, low-carb Mediterranean diet since January of this year and I LOVE it!! I cheat sometimes but I'm still the healthiest I've been in decades.
  • The Ketogenic way of eating is a bit restrictive but it is worth it for the benefits, one of which is weight loss. Some other benefits are lower blood pressure, lower hbA1c, improved skin conditions, better sleep and less apnea, reduced inflammation, reduced joint pain, less medication, lower triglycerides, higher HDL, reversed metabolic syndrome, etc. After you begin to correct the hyperinsulinemia, weight loss, and other benefits occur. The carbs stimulate insulin and excess hunger which triggers fat storage. Weight gain is a symptom of the problem, not the cause.
  • I was keto/very low carb for a couple of years. I lost a lot of weight, I had more energy, and my brain fog went away. My mood was much more positive, too. I didn't stick to it, but I learned a lot about how my body and brain react to simple sugars, and I still tend to eat lower carb because it makes me feel better. Also, you don't need to eat bacon.
  • @jimwaldron302
    Keto has done wonders for me. Beware of big pharma and some in the medical profession.
  • @dennismoore2245
    Keto has helped me get of t2 meds and lose weight These doctors mentioned getting on meds as a fix for issues. I’m personally willing to control my foods to get off the meds
  • @brianhina8538
    Been Keto for 18 years. Lost 100 lbs and have stayed there. Not on any diabetic medicine. Lipid profile is all normal.
  • @sonyahaley7350
    Hubby & I went carnivore for 30 days then switched to ketovore 8 months ago. Hubby lost 30 lbs & I've lost 50. Inflammation went away first week for both of us, my ezcema is almost completely gone, my blood pressure has come down, I'm no longer pre diabetic. My husband has CLL (a incurable form of cancer) & his blood work has improved unbelievable compared to when he was not eating this way. We have been on other diets but this is the only diet we have been on that we are totally satisfied. We eat less without even thinking about it cause we ate not hungry. We no longer call it a diet, it is our way of eating from now on. Bacon & eggs for breakfast, any kind of meat for supper & sometimes low carb veggies included. No counting calories, no thinking of food all day cause your starving. You will get flack from some doctors that this is not healthy but you cannot deny the blood results. Try it for even 2 weeks or a month & see how you feel. Do your research & check out the thousands of people that this way of eating has helped them! Its amazing!❤
  • @ReneeRushing
    I was very much anti-diet (for myself) until I discovered that the keto diet was invented for epileptics; I'm epileptic. It's helped tremendously.