#9 All Of Our Breakdowns Happened At Once | Seeding 2024 | Seeding Australia

Published 2024-06-25

All Comments (17)
  • Next time you do the bearings on your marshal spinners, cut a 100mm rubber disk to slip over the shaft to rest on top of the bearing once assembled. We did it about 7 years ago on our 980tm and havent had bearing trouble since, spread mainly lime and some gypsum and urea. Keeps the fert dust from sitting on bearing seals as well. We did top and bottom bearings on both spinners the same. Approx 12-15mm rubber thickness.
  • @coupster5464
    Sure is good looking country but yup, interesting terrain.. again, appreciate the Vid H.. Thanks
  • @raeanker3078
    Thanks for the video mate, could you do a video about the family farm with the older buildings and maybe the backstory of your ancestors that started it. Cheers.
  • try some triple lip seal bearings on your spreader, we use to have the same problem with our lime spreader and dad got onto triple lip seal bearings years ago. now we only do a bearing every few years.
  • @bobuncle8704
    I tell ya, Henry, it must be so encouraging to have a greeting like that when you get home from a long day working the farm. I find it so interesting to see how accurate the gps steering is when you’re doing the air seeding. Not an inch wasted. What benefit does the gypsum give the crops?
  • The tractors on Larson Farms seems to throw the rubbers on a regular basis, so I guess that is good management from you.
  • Haha.. I’ve gone around a few unusual things with the drill, but never a grave.
  • @mickdemi6
    Nothing better than farming ground that has never been cropped before. Now, you just need the rains to play their part hopefully the last week and this week you get more than 5-10mm
  • Mount a hard rubber disk on shaft above the lower bearing on the spreader , just a bit of tyre side wall will do.
  • @tapitXq9
    I don't know if the boggie wheels opposite each other are on the same shaft but on challengers we use a couple thicknesses of beveled edge plate stacked on top each other to drive the good boogie up onto and that lifts the bad one off the belt high enough to replace it without a jack.
  • As mentioned rubber over bearings or triple seal bearings helps not just standard bearings