Non-profit spays and neuters over 100 stray cats in Portland metro

Published 2024-06-28

All Comments (6)
  • I have tried to work with these people in 1 specific geographic area. If cats have been trapped before & then dumped out in the country side such as near our farm in Dayton, those cats will NEVER enter a trap again! First hand experience with this. I have successfully tamed the 2 cats dumped at our farm but the feral cat coalition will not allow these semi-tamed cats to be brought to their clinic in anything but a trap which is impossible once they have been in one. Area vets want > $600 to $700 to spay to cats! No wonder people trap them once & then dump them out in the country for coyotes or turkey buzzards to find. Sad state of affairs for the cats! Have had a large tom cat show up also yesterday on our front porch. The female cats are safe in our house so nothing will harm them. Hoping someone out there knows of a vet with more flexibility of bring cats in a container other than a trap that`s affordable for those of us on a limited SS income so they can be spayed.
  • @Scroll_Lock
    How much money from tax payers did that cost? Does anyone at the non profit have a close associate running a clinic that benefitted directly from this?
  • @Sheilah-v9k
    The atmosphere of respect and civility here is refreshing. It's a testament to the maturity of this community.✨