Published 2022-09-25
The Dark Knight trilogy is regarded as one of the if not THE best set of Batman films...
but that's not to say it's without it's faults.
Case in point, today we talk about Christian Bale 's Batman.

#thedarkknight #batman #christianbale



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All Comments (21)
  • @slash903
    I always thought the Bale Batman voice worked in short, quick sentences: "Why do you want to kill me?" or "Swear to me!" It does not work when he goes on long monologues about philosophy.
  • I feel like it's a misconception that Bruce retired as Batman just because Rachel died. By his own words in "Rises", Batman went away because he wasn't needed anymore. The good guys won the war on crime because of the Dent Act. That's why Batman disappeared for eight years. But Bruce Wayne retreated into isolation because of Rachel's death. This version of Batman was never meant to be a life-long occupation for Bruce, it was meant to have an expiration date from the beginning. And Bruce pinned the life after Batman on being with Rachel. So without her, there's no need for Bruce Wayne to have a life outside of the mansion. But when a new threat rises, both Bruce and Batman come out of retirement when they're needed.
  • @Rosepapi
    He didn’t retire because of Rachel’s death, it was to save Harvey’s reputation and keep those Villians locked up. They mentioned in the film that Gotham was at peace while he was gone. He also was gonna be facing off against the cops as well as the criminals each time he was out.
  • I always have agreed with Batman being the person and Bruce the mask. That's also what makes Dick Grayson the perfect hero because Nightwing and Dick Grayson are one in the same, he acts the same as both and is comfortable being in the Nightwing suit because it's just him being himself.
  • @ThatReplicant
    The bat voice was good in batman begins. All in all though, it felt like Nolan missed the smaller details in place of the overall grander picture, especially in rises.
  • @dimt2615
    Fun Fact: Christian Bale had a different voice originally. He was speaking lightly and calmly almost like a whisper. But Nolan didn't like it. So he changed it.
  • @bproducer
    In Christian Bale’s defense, it’s extremely hard to showcase your acting ability as batman when your entire body is covered in a rigid rubber suit. Bale can barely move or show facial expressions. Also Bale’s bat voice never bothered me. Great performance, great movies!
  • @elsorzis5692
    I would love you to make a video about Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow. He was great, but kind of wasted.
  • Forensics expert here: You could not get a fingerprint off a bullet in brick even with all the money in the world. The fingerprint would be wiped off the bullet as it passes into the brick. Also pistol bullets don't go through bricks. Also the fingerprint would have been damaged on half of all the sides of the bullet due to it scraping against the rifling as it passed through the barrel. Also I read a paper about the Las Vegas concert mass shooting, and the FBI couldn't get a single fingerprint off of all the fired cartridge casings of all the bullets fired, barely getting a couple off of the unfired ammunition. Ammunition is not a good source for fingerprints in general because they're covered in a layer of grease.
  • @seanewing204
    The reason Bale always uses "The voice" when wearing a mask is that, in the original script, it was produced by a voice modulator — same as Batfleck. BvS explicitly shows Alfred playing with the modulator, adjusting its tone. Nolan, on the other hand, either never filmed the explanation (I learned it from "The Art of Batman Begins"), or the scene didn't make the cut. Bale's performance in the last two movies was actually the same as it was in Begins. The effects team altered it in post.
  • @mangrove
    I’ve read before that it was Nolan who altered the Batman voice in post-production, wanting it more growly and distinct from Bruce’s public voice. I thought the voice was fine in Begins, and actually liked the “SWEAR TO ME!” bit.
  • I gotta say, “SWEAR TO ME!” is one of my favorite batman quotes of all time how could someone not find that intimidating lol
  • Honestly, I like the three personas thing. Public face Bruce Wayne and Batman when people see him are both acts. The real Bruce is somewhere in the middle.
  • @Fedi_Hdez
    I just want to said he didnt retired thanks to Racheal death, this take of the character isnt trying to avenged his parents death because Joe Chill was capture, but when he was killed by Falcone Bruce understood that in order to achived what his parrents wanted to do with Gorham he needed to clean the system. When the white knight appear the Dark Knight saw the promise for a better a Gotham, One that wouldnt need him and after what the Joker did with Harvey he had to sacrifice the Batman. Rachael only was what he belive would be his life out of the cave/darkness but it was a lie. I’m not saying is a good way to potrait the character but is how Nolan write him to tell the story.
  • @Flanavision
    In Begins his voice wasn't as bad as people make it out. In DK it got bad, probably from Bale competing with Ledger rather than just act. It became full parody in rises with two actors with bad voices that can't hear each other. Conroy had three personas too, and of course did it best. But really rewatch his performance in the animated series. He had the Bat, the Bruce and the real man in between. Thanks for another great video Vee. Keep rockin man.
  • @xXMr_NormalXx
    Although I understand the silliness behind Bales Batman voice, I think you misunderstood the ending of the Dark Knight. Batman doesn’t give up because of Rachel’s death. He doesn’t truly “give up” at all. Harvey Dent represented the best and the change of Gotham. He was the white knight trying to clean up Gotham the right way. So him being corrupted by the Joker and killing people would result in the complete downfall of their (dents, Gordon’s, and Batman’s) work. In the end, the Joker won: he corrupted Harvey Dent and got Batman to break his one rule. At the end, the Batman is willing to sacrifice his reputation if it means the preservation of gothams soul— “because he can take it.” Bales Batman doesn’t give up, he sacrifices. In fact, in the Dark Knight Rises breakup scene between Bruce and Alfred, Alfred tries to use Rachel’s death to stop Bruce from continuing, but it doesn’t work.
  • Bale's Batman giving up after Rachel died and the Dent Act is the main reason he is not the best Batman for me. Before The Dark Knight Rises came out, I was expecting him to become as brutal as Ben Affleck's Batman. But alas... this is a Batman that retires
  • Christian Bales Bruce/Batman is a more altruistic one. It's more of a James Bond as Batman type character. He still uses Batman as a tool for his anger. Pattinson's is an attempt at a more Pre Keaton version. Bales Batman is actually the most physically imposing one outside of Affleck. His voice is a natural disguise. Bale explained that the only way to play a dude in a weird costume to go all in and create an entity. The universe Nolan created is more based in reality. Had he just used his speaking voice he would have been A. Figured out, B. Made fun of in universe. I think its funny that so many people hate on his voice, when Robert Pattinson basically stole it and just turned it down one notch.
  • @ThePatxiao
    I think the Batman aspects is just Nolan not being a comic fan and not having someone above him to control him like how the MCU does/did. I think Nolan likes Batman as a character at his core but he was not a fan of the comic book trapping like Robin, his supervillains and everything like that. Probably why the Batsuit is more like armor than a batsuit. Nolan wanted to make Batman in his own aesthetics and that is fine.