A North American Wood Duck preens on a northern USA Beaver lodge along with other wildlife

Published 2024-06-23
A North American Wood Duck preens on a northern USA Beaver lodge in the early morning sunshine as a Spotted Sandpiper feeds, a Snapping Turtle lays her eggs and Canada Geese rest and preen. For more about Beavers, how they differ from Muskrats and how they help other species, see the informative and photo filled Beaver books found here: www.lulu.com/search?utm_source=blog&utm_medium=blo…. Save Our Beavers: wingitwildlife.com/save-our-beavers/
Save our Beavers Facebook page: www.facebook.com/groups/189723129508175, Video by wingitwildlife.com/ where videos are straight from the camera unedited. Save our world wildlife. Save our wild world. Thanks for watching.

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