The Hottest DBD Takes From Twitter | Dead By Daylight Discussion

Published 2023-04-26

All Comments (8)
  • @joepersch6779
    Dude, I 100% agree on the huntress having a smaller hatchet hitbox would make huntress a beast when you get good with her. Holy hell would she be unstoppable.
  • Huntress having smaller hit boxes on her hatchets would allow for so much more fun shots and opportunities. also many seem to not realize its really more of the survivors hit box thats makes it seem like Huntress hatchets have a giant hit box when they really dont cause of the gaps that are possible to throw through so its just bad hitbox design paired with game desync that makes her hits look so bad
  • @Jayynetic
    DBD as a whole needs to be reworked. Now this doesn't mean reworking all the perks but what about changing up the tactics killers and survivors use. People complain about tunnelling, camping, slugging, etc. Then on the other side, Survivors in Swfs (which is extremely common these days) are setting up whole builds to take the game hostage by using flashlights, then destroying hooks, then tea-bagging, then flash banging, etc. These types of tactics are occurring so much, why? Well, it's fun for people doing it but not for the receiving end. At the end of the day, survivors and killers are limited by their playstyles and can't explore anything further because it has already been done 1000 times before. I believe that DBD needs to introduce new items and mechanics because DBD is becoming stale and changing perks is never going to please 100% of the community. Just look at the winter event, the amount of joy and fun people expressed when using the snowmen was crazy! Now this doesn't mean to change DBD into a meme game but that's an opportunity for DBD to learn from and go, "ok the community enjoyed this, what can we implement to have this same reaction?".
  • @iracat7276
    Fun fact about Lightborne. I run it because I am very light sensitive. Not to take away survivors fun. I run it because even if I do face a wall and a flashlight is sent in my direction, it will blind me in real life on certain days because I am light sensitive due to migraines.
  • @lynnies
    i kind of disagree with the snail on the skateboard but i see where theyโ€™re coming from๐Ÿ˜Œ
  • @Brainjoy01
    i was under the impression unhooking others gave you DH as well. if its only for when you get unhooked, 2 DH's a game is really boring.
  • @judas1213
    Killing yourself on hook/dc'ing isnt playing the game, its quitting.