Why I Left Protestantism to Become An Orthodox Christian

Published 2024-05-28

All Comments (20)
  • @kristenp5835
    I was born Methodist and became Catholic in the army. Eventually I left Catholicism and spent time floating between being Methodist and many other Protestant denominations. Now I’m an Orthodox inquirer. Thank you for sharing your story.
  • @xgingex3962
    I thank you so much for sharing the progression of your faith. I’ve had a resurgence in mine for the last few years. I grew up in the Methodist church baptized and confirmed in the church. I stopped going to church for around 15 years (I’m 29). Started going back to church (thanks to God showing me Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy really opened my eyes to how important the church is). And now that I’m exploring my faith more than ever I’m being exposed to so many things. I currently go to a non-denominational church because of a few of my friends and we do Bible study after. I can’t see myself going to a non-denominational church I’ve been to a Pentecostal church with a friend and I respect it but don’t have the feeling of getting behind it especially the oneness doctrine of the Trinity. I think the Holy Spirit is leading me into Eastern Orthodoxy. I’m going to continue to pray on it
  • Thanks for sharing your story. Deconstructing 'sola scriptura' was the death knell to my Protestant/Evangelicalism. Been in the Orthodox Church for a little over 10 years now and I've never regretted the decision.
  • @acekoala457
    I used to be an Evangelical Protestant, decided that I couldn't in good conscience remain as such, during the pandemic I told myself I would join LCMS or WELS. Ended up walking into a Greek Orthodox Church on a Whim and fast forward 3 years and I am now a Reader in ROCOR.
  • This was an excellent summary of your journey, my brother in Christ. Glory to God! Thank you for sharing. Pray for me, a sinner!
  • Indeed He is Risen! Great testimony bro. It is interesting to me that even though we come from very different protestant backgrounds, your story played out very similar to mine
  • I have listened to many stories of how people come to the Orthodox church, but your journey and mindset was almost identical to mine. Thank you!
  • Thanks for sharing your story! It’s very compatible to mine. I wish that I had an Orthodox Church close to me.
  • @jamesb6818
    I really appreciate your testimony here. Orthodoxy is something I have been wrestling with for several years now and continue to question things. So much in Orthodoxy makes sense to me but I do have one hang up. When it comes to icon veneration and I get that no one is worshipping anyone other than God. The claim is that this is Apostolic teaching, it comes straight from the Apostles. The Orthodox Church has made it a matter of salvation, which is concerning. Again I’m being honest here as I feel really drawn to the Orthodox faith but my question is which Apostle taught this and to who did he/they teach it to? I just don’t see anything in early church fathers talking positively about icons and it’s hard to get past the second commandment to bow and kiss any images. Thanks
  • Dear brother do you have anything that justifies idols from the Bible? It’s something I’m struggling to understand but so badly want to.
  • @mikaelrosing
    Lutheran considered Orthodoxy aswell as Catholism i stayed Lutheran based on the 7th ecumenical councils verneration historical err
  • @ZimZam131
    You left a cult, not the protestant church.
  • @M4rcLL
    Or just believe in Jesus, not man made religions that preach a false gospel
  • @TCZ17090
    The Orthodox left and got conquered by Islam and stayed subjugated for 1000 years. Catholicism meanwhile evangelized and spread across the whole world while Orthos got trapped in Asia Minor. Nice story, but Orthodoxy isn’t the true faith