Verify: Is there a secret chemtrail spraying program?

Published 2018-02-25
For decades followers of the “chemtrail” conspiracy theory have been convinced, and have tried to convince others, that the government – or some evil shadow organization – is deliberately spraying the skies with harmful chemicals.

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All Comments (21)
  • This is scary how they can lie so badly. We can see chemtrails and contrails at the same time one disappears one stays there
  • @2bblues
    “We know they are lying. They know they are lying, They know that we know they are lying. We know that they know that we know they are lying. And still they continue to lie.” —Alexander Solschenizyn
  • @benjamenharper
    At 3:09 he admits there are "microscopic metal particles." What are we playing at here?
  • @marciaoliver4531
    Not a conspiracy! These evil people want you to believe their not real but they are a liar!
  • @miapdx503
    I hate when the day begins with blue skies and sunshine...then the striping begins...then the whiteout condition. I miss natural, blue skies.😔
  • @quavohuncho6156
    I am not stupid. These last few recent years it's hella cold, some days it snow and then randomly rains. It's fucking June in two weeks and im freezing going outside with just a T-shirt. All these planes spraying chemtrails, can't be seen on flight radar either.
  • @mrzandrea9586
    During the covid no airplanes anymore and no trails in the sky in Europe Andrea we had 5 weeks best spring weather
  • @BrandonDeft
    This is video is a great example of Gaslighting.
  • @BrettHoustonTube
    Sec. of Defense Willam Cohen was right when he made that famous speech, "someday, foreign enemies using technologies to manipulate the weather would be able to weaken and disable an opposing enemy and we needed to fund our own weather mod programs to compete with them. It's called a "force multiplier" a phrase coined by the US Air Force weather mod team. "Operation Popeye" is alive and well. He also said In a DOD news briefing on April 28, 1997 that "Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves." This is what they call "Climate Change". "God" is innocent.
  • @Zayas0ne
    If you notice this always happens on clear days and the next day it would be cloudy and gray days.
  • When I was a kid in the 80's there were planes too you know, I wasn't born in ancient Greece. But there was a huge difference with today. The plane left a white line that disappeared a few kilometres behind the plane, there was never a long straight line, even with no wind. What's happening now, is that the white line stretches all along the sky, and it never disappears, but fades into the blue of the sky and turns into a fog covering the sky. Sorry you can't make me distrust my own eyes, the whole sky is filled with that white haze and the sun shines only in part. I mean I don't have to put sunscreen in the summer for crying out loud, is that a delusion? Has jet engine technology or fuel changed so drastically since the 1980's and I don't know it? This is the absolute 1984 Big Brother mentality, the whole sky is white and blurry and anyone who mentions it is a nutjob.
  • yea right condensation 😂😂😂😂 what a coincidence that there are “condensation lines “ on certain days . and it so happens that the first chemtrails to appear in the morning take on the same path as the sun does .
  • @bobbymac1319
    How do you know when they are lying? When they open their mouths.
  • @bluefairyuk
    When we were children the sky only had contrails, which they would disappear. Never we saw these persistent trails!!!
  • @blutustv3860
    Goddamn the education systems have failed so many commenters.