Tommy Tallarico gives Smash Melee a 2.5/10

Published 2022-11-20
Proof of the baffling score Tommy Tallarico gave to a classic. Which honestly whatever it wouldn't be so bad except for the time he went on this crazy online tirade to deny it

All Comments (21)
  • @kingboobs20
    Tommy says this review doesn't exist and also that he made Melee entirely by himself.
  • @dachel683
    Funny how tommy lied about saying he gave melee a 2.5 lol
  • @SevObzen
    That is some next level "next-gen" brain poisoning.
  • @cloudair4154
    this seemed so outlandish that i didn't think it could be real.. this has to be the worst review of a game i've ever seen in my entire life
  • @mimosajd
    With the quickness he shutdown the mention of Samus
  • @dddgaming885
    What ability did Kirby get when he inhaled Tommy Tallarico? Copy.
  • @SamuraiSam
    I can get Tommy not liking this game, but Victor? Seriously??
  • @KINGBublepop
    Damn their reasoning is garbage too. It literally wouldn't matter if it was Melee or the most recent one lol, "mashing buttons, no strategy".
  • the ammount of money i woud pay to see this guy enter a melee tournament is embarrassing
  • @verbage432
    Everybody is entitled to their own opinion but holy sh*t this is a wrong opinion.
  • @Silverparodox
    It's a shame, I really liked the game. I hope they change their minds one day...
  • @cubefreak123
    This review comes across like they played it for 20 minutes and decided they knew everything about it.
  • @FatMarioHeads
    Now Tommy and Victor are entitled to their opinions, but man this just feels like they didn’t actually play the game. How is it not impressive for it’s time? Sure Melee’s visuals don’t look as grand now, but I remember first seeing the game many years ago thinking it looked amazing and hoping I could get a GameCube just to play it. Granted I could see someone simply not liking it for it’s gameplay, but to say it’s just mashing buttons as Tommy said is very disingenuous, considering Smash isn’t even a button masher. Also I find it kind of funny that Victor gave Brawl a significantly better score, I believe a 7 out of 10. Not dissing Brawl or anything, but that tells me there was some buggery going on behind doors for the Melee review, especially since Tommy had left ROTR by the time they reviewed Brawl
  • @johnskelington
    Is this the ethical gaming journalism that Gamergate wants a return of?
  • When I saw this on Hbomberguy's vid, and saw that Victor had given it a 3.0, I figured the whole controversy must've been blown out of proportion. Figured they must have switched to a different score system of 5/5 by this point, instead of 10/10. Because I know Victor Lucas is a big Nintendo fan, and he would always praise the cutesy Nintendo stuff that Tommy shat on. So, I figured that 2.5 was the equivalent of a 5.5 on a 10/10 system. Still not the greatest score, but not utterly abysmal. Surprised to learn Vic hated it, too. I will say it was certainly my least-favorite of the Smash's, despite being the critical darling of the hardcore fanbase.
  • @Sabbalab92
    Were they playing single player with the CPU's at level 1? How disappointing.