Kamala Harris - what's next? A tarot reading

Published 2024-07-23
Today we ask Spirit about VP Kamala Harris and the energy around her as she emerges as the presumptive Democratic candidate for the 2024 election.

For entertainment purposes only

All Comments (21)
  • Biden is one of the greatest Presidents in American History! I will support Biden’s wishes and happily VOTE for Harris! Biden isn’t going anywhere! He’s joining her on the campaign trail & will be her biggest fan! He will guide her through this journey and together they/we will WIN! 💙
  • It is NOT about Joe Biden! He was and remains a great President and exemplary public servant. It is about the Blue — not the who! We have to win this and we can.
  • I’m so happy my multiracial grand daughter can see a woman run who looks like she will look as an adult! 👏🏽 happy tears.
  • As of last night she had enough delegates. I am excited for Kamala and really loved her first speech where she came out swinging against Trump. She called him a sexual predator and criminal fraudster something Biden wasn't comfortable doing. I feel a wave of new energy and embracing it.
  • @medaduggan1715
    Black people know how desasterous it would be to have trump back in the white house. And the Black women's vote was instrumental in electing Joe Biden in 2020 and also stopped the red wave in the 2022 midterms. Black women will back Kamala.
  • @lisadeak5723
    I felt a deep sense of “knowing” Sunday evening. Women are going to save this country. When on Monday afternoon it was reported that 30,000 new volunteers signed up my eyes filled with tears. Confirmation. No better time for our first female president, the first post Dobbs election. This is big.
  • @mbohl7149
  • @Sookielal
    I hope Biden feels the love his true supports feel for him. I hope he knows we are upset for him and feel for him. We wish him well and in his honor I will support Kamala even though in 2019 I originally did want Kamala as president, but she suspended her campaign and Biden chose her to be vp I was happy. Now I am upset at the traitors.
  • @mdizzylizzy2u
    What we’re witnessing now, is the damage that we all knew was coming from the Citizens United decision in 2010. (No, Mitt, corporations are NOT people!) CITIZENS UNITED MUST BE REVERSED, if we ever hope to get out from under the control and influence of unfettered corporate corruption and greed in America. PERIOD. FULL STOP. 💙🇺🇸✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿🇺🇸💙
  • @dawnturner8735
    The Nicky Hailey people are supporting her? That is amazing!
  • @Ozzys_Mom
    I am beyond disappointed that Joe has stepped down and I will NEVER forget who engineered this. Now that Harris is the nominee, I will do everything I can to support her for my sake and the sake of the country…and in honor of Joe Biden, who is a good and honest man, and the best President of my lifetime. Go Harris. Bless Joe. Vote blue 💙
  • @smilefordavid
    I am beyond thrilled that I get to vote for the first woman president! It is time!!!
  • @starandflurry
    And BTW, she ABSOLUTELY has charisma. She has Woman-Charisma. Barak was great, but, Kamala is the woman women have been fucking waiting for. I am 69 years old and have never had a US President who was woman. It's time. It's time.
  • You’re a great man Joe. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us.
  • You sound like I feel David 🥹 We all love Joe. Bittersweet is the perfect word for this occasion, but we will be okay 👍
  • @starandflurry
    Pelosi wasn't "hoping" Biden would see the light and step down. She was strategizing to make sure that he did. And wisely so. This move dramatically shifted the balance of this election, which for the Dems, has been waffling since the debate. It is not waffling now. The scales have literally shifted over night.
  • @SylviaD1223
    She now has the delegates she needs. And both gave passionate speeches. Left me fired up and super motivated
  • David, you have been very busy with the readings. Yiu are much appreciated but please don't burn yourself out.
  • She’s gonna crush Trump. It’s going to be ok. Everyone vote. We GOT this!