Dear BHVR, I'm worried about this update | Dead By Daylight PTB

Published 2023-03-29

All Comments (21)
  • @Lexihides
    The Healing duration looks more boring and painful than doing gens...
  • @reddwolfie
    All this, very well said! I agree that not ALL the healing adjustments should be thrown into live together. I wouldn't mind the COH nerf if the medkits/healing base speed weren't altered so drastically.
  • @MrDaruma
    I had a match yesterday and getting healed was frustrating as hell… I just checked my cellphone and watched some TikTok’s in the meantime. It got me worried too, I always take chases to improve my skills but being healed for that time was bothersome.
  • @iNyquist
    This was very well said! I agree with a lot of what you said. It really scares me as someone who would solo queue a lot!
  • @Jacen_vG
    There are 20 different ways to make Circle of Healing good without removing self-heal. This isn't one of them.
  • @shelliefacetv
    Love your assessment! The healing is scary, with little to no anti-healing perks; base healing just feels impossible, especially if you want to grab someone off hook and have some distance to travel - I had to have to fill my perk slots, and items will items to bolster healing and nothing else in the chance killers bring even 1 anti healing perk or add on. Nerfing all is just brutal, but I can see how nerfing some will bring balance.
  • @aizawakay1693
    I also think the most concerning thing about this update is the proposed healing changes. Another thing that I am not exactly a fan of would be the DH changes. It feels a bit unfair that DH requires unhooks to be able to use the perk and I really like your suggested change of getting gen progress instead, because we might see people dive bombing hooks to be able to activate their perk. Overall, I think this is a wonderful video!
  • @Heather87899
    I think depending on how survivor plays out after this tweek I might be done with dbd. Playing survivor solo is hard enough. I get that you have teams that mess with the killer but some of us honestly enjoy the game whether we escape or not though escaping is ideal. I feel like it's already extremely killer sided with how close the hooks are on some maps
  • @bucky3791
    This was a good video. I was very happy with your comment about the med-kits. I thought the same thing while reading the patch notes, that they're basically all the same med-kit now. The only thing I disagreed with, just from my way of playing, I suck horribly as looping and chases, so I get zero fun out of that aspect. For me, on survivor, I love doing gens and getting saves and healing the people who are good at the chases and looping so they can distract while I do my job. lol
  • Great video. Agree with pretty much everything in the video. Most of the Billy changes don't make sense and the scariest part is definitely the healing changes because they are rough
  • @extasyAU
    This video PERFECTLY addresses and concludes this upcoming patches issues, the healing changes are going to make survivor more boring and tedious, and so focused on gens which isn’t fun what so ever, discouraging people to try new play styles, the weird dead hard change could maybe be done differently as it was a skill based perk, so many issues with this upcoming patch, med kit nerf is a bit wacky, but it was needed, but not like that to be honest, this is a very very harsh update and I really hope it gets reworked, because this change and kill the fun of the game entirely, and I am very worried to see the future of dead by daylight if this is the kinda updates we’re going to keep getting, the fun in dbd is not holding one button all game, the chasing is the fun part, for both sides, super worried tbh.
  • @djkenway4871
    Tbh I agree with you on a lot and the dead hard nerf should of been do objective to unlock not the unhook thing :/
  • @blong8744
    Thorough and helpful. I appreciate hearing your opinion
  • The healing changes are definitely brutal. I find it funny how the efficiency of medkits have only gone up. Yes you cant do stupid fast 8 second heals 3 times a game anymore, but medkits are still extremely efficient and are still must have items. They unironically made medkits more necessary which is the opposite of what they should have done. I think 16 second altruistic healing and 24s medkit healing is all the game needed, along with the add on nerfs. I liked otz's idea of making the add ons unique like seeing auras of injured survivors, counter mangle, and quieter healing. The fact that they just toned down numbers and made it so only 2 or 3 medkit add ons are worth running because the others do literally nothing is very disappointing and looks extremely rushed and out of touch. I dont want a meta where killers bring sloppy and nurses and just hit and run hit and run hit and run. The fact that it takes literally half a hook stage to reset ONE SURVIVOR with sloppy is absolutely nuts. Getting tagged early near a hooked survivor is just a death sentence. You will have to just trade hooks more often if a killer is camping. The meta for dbd is just gonna become a more slam gens, split up, drop early, and get your adrenaline and GTFO. thats boring. This midchapter is a huge test for BHVR. They are really about to reveal if they have learned from their past of not listening to ptb feedback. If they release the billy changes and just nerf healing to 20 seconds I will be extremely disappointed. I also hate the idea of having to run at least 1 maybe 2 healing perks on every build just for healing to be tolerable, not even fast. Just tolerable. I shouldnt be bored out of my mind because im healing someone with no healing perks. I cant wait to do gens, get off gens to unhook, heal under hook for 48 seconds, then get back on a gen for another 50 seconds, just to run to another gen, just to heal again, then get chased but drop early because i dont wanna get hit and ran for the 4th time. if BHVR could just release more gamemodes that would be nice. If a 1v1 mode came out I would never touch the 4v1 game ever again. I couldnt care less for macro dbd. Its so boring to me.
  • I agree with nerfing healing in general, but I am sure if it goes live as is, I will probably quit playing survivor. I play a lot of solo and it's really hard to get other people to heal you, or even get saved off of hook. I do not have the attention span to sit as long as I have seen on healing. I also play a lot of killer and I didn't really use the meta as it was, so I don't feel particularly affected by the changes made to slow down.
  • If the killer decides to slug everyone, you’re the first one chased, or you don’t manage to unhook someone for various reasons, there is no way for you to activate Dead Hard. It’s already an unreliable perk with killers either waiting it out or by you missing the 0.5 second window.
  • @Minronis
    Dead Hard should charge up by being injured in chase and after you've been chased for a decent while, it becomes activate-able. Pain Resonance shouldn't consume a token if the damage it does would be more then the current progress on the gen its affecting; damage is still applied. Call of Brine's loud noise notification should remain until the next skill check is hit and not be tied to its regression. Overdrive should have special effects with it: the pistons should be moving faster and an electrical effect should be surging through it like its actually overcharged.
  • I think it's be nice if dead hard charged while in chase. So it incentivize good looping and chase skills. So like it would charge up while in chase and you could use it once active then it'd be exhausted and become unusable until you exiting chase cleared your exhaustion then initiated chase again. That way chases would essentially stay the same but there'd be an opportunity where the killer could down you without the threat of you using dead hard. It's also incentivize the killer to think if they want to prolong chase you or not. So say you get to keep dead hard as you would repressed alliance or wire tap if you don't use it. If you successfully lose the killer then boom you have dead hard for next chase. But the killer can also choose to disengage on you to not charge your dead hard and focus someone else. And to stop the survivors from just coming up to the killer and running off to get free dead hard charge they can make it so it completely regresses if the charges aren't fully built. So say you can't 99 your dead hard. It's all or nothing. That would incentivize good chase play, allow the killer the opportunity to not worry about dead hard right away, and not allow dead hard to be cheesed. It would even decentivizes tunneling in a way because if you chase the dead hard player for a prolonged chase they're gonna have dead hard up. If you leave them be they won't and you can get them at a better opportunity where you know they're caught out or in a bad position and won't have enough time to charge it. This is my proposal over the unhooking change.
  • @fresh3926
    Well thought out feedback. Great work. 👍