This is what Star Wars was always about...

Published 2024-06-12
The third episode of "The Acolyte" is out and its definitely lifted up the entire series from an average beginning. I think the writers of this show have a good grasp on what the actual franchise is about. Take it from George Lucas himself, Star Wars is a modern myth designed to guide the next generation to adulthood, something that episode 3 "Destiny" does quite well.

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All Comments (21)
  • They shouldn't have named the main character Osha, it keeps reminding me of safety violations 😂
  • @GenerationTech
    I respect your opinions whatever they may. It saddens me that so many of you want to unsubscribe, but I always speak what's on my mind.
  • @angusmorris4154
    18:30 "The explosion... we don't really see how everyone dies" I think that's intentional. This episode does not feel like we're getting the whole story, instead we learned how Osha recalled the events of that night. We're left with the mystery of what actually happened that night... why Mae is trying to kill all four jedi, and why Torbin drank the poison.
  • @killerbtwd
    No one should hate @GenerationTech for having this opinion and liking the show. I’m not a fan of the show, and I have my own opinion, but I’ve been watching this channels videos for years, and just because someone else likes something you don’t, doesn’t mean they are wrong. No I don’t like the direction Disney has taken Star Wars, but I definitely stand with Generation Tech and the opinions everyone has. I will say some of the things the cast and Kennedy has said about the fans is wrong, but you’re no better than them if you act like them.
  • @itsvanburen5879
    This is like the last Star Wars channel that doesn’t just outrage bait off of acolyte content
  • @EliotHochberg
    I felt very uncomfortable when Sol handed the child the light saber. All I could think of was that she was accidentally going to activate it and hurt someone.
  • @choppydell
    The Outer rim of Star Wars channels. Every video drops hard knowledge, solid history, and sage wisdom. Cheers, Allen 🍻
  • They've hooked me with what really happened the night of the fire. Did Mae actually set fire to the fortress? Who actually killed the witches? What role did the Jedi play that night? A Jedi master committed suicide because of what he did that night.....
  • @patty4349
    I was LITERALLY 12 when Star Wars A New Hope came out. It did effect my world view. So did Star Trek and Tolkien.
  • @HardlyQuinn
    Lets just agree you can like a part of star wars and not be a paid shill. You can also absolutely hate a part of atar wars without being toxic. If you like all star wars thats totally cool. If you dont, that's cool to. Only things that are not okay is 1. Giving actors or other fans hate for portraying a character or for liking something you dont. 2. Accusing fans of being toxic, racist, sexist or homophobic for not liking what you do or you put out there.
  • Fudge I hate that Alan has a way of making me calm down when I dislike something after the first viewing. Great points Gen Tech.
  • @dib_human6151
    The part about online negativity affecting kid's enjoyment actually resonated with me a lot. Im young, and i introduced myself to star wars around the time of episode 8's release. I loved the sequels, all three of them, but then i was met with the biggest ball of hate and toxicity ever when i looked for Star Wars stuff in the internet. And so for many years i didnt want to like the sequels because it made me feel ashamed of finding joy in something that, on the words of so many people, was terrible beyond anything else in the franchise. Though, of course, i eventually became mature enough to realize that it doesnt matter what people yell on the internet. I can like whatever the heck i want. Still, it makes me sad to think of how many other young people didnt become fans because of the online fandom. Side Note: if something is said poorly its because english isnt my mother language, sorry for that
  • Today on The Ringer-Verse, Van Lathan gave Generation Tech a shout out -- and said watching and listening to this channel makes him feel like a Star Wars novice, and provides deep & thoughtful insights that give him a lot to reflect on. And even as a more casual Star Wars fan, I totally agree. It must be so hard these days, to not get dragged into the social media Culture Wars -- and stay true to yourself, and to the little kid in you whose imagination was captured by the Star Wars Universe. But it's not only refreshing, it's something that's desperately needed these days. So thanks & keep up the good work. I'll subscribe, and look forward to checking in with the channel as The Acolyte continues...and whenever Lucasfilm puts out new content moving forward. There's no need to say, "May the force be with you" -- because it's pretty clear that it is, my man.
  • I believe the reason we don’t see how everyone dies is cause it was a manipulation by the Sith Lord we have yet to properly meet. He needed an angry and vengeful May.
  • @natercrash4140
    I've seen theories elsewhere suggesting were gonna get to see these events again from different perspectives and that will fill in the time gaps and explain a lot of currently unknown info. I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the season.
  • THANK YOU!!! After I watched it I just could not understand why some of the Star Wars YouTubers were so upset and I thought I was crazy. I had to unsubscribe to them because with each new thing they seem to get more negative. They don't focus on what the story is anymore. I lost sleep trying to figure it out. I really like this show and episode three is amazing. I was beginning to think that I was dumb and missed something. Not anymore because of your take on Star Wars.
  • @AlexeiVoronin
    It was nice to see Force users who are not Jedi or Sith. Or even Nightsisters. I've always imagined that such small groups could exist within the larger SW universe, and that the larger and more powerful Force-using orders would prey upon them.
  • @kestradavis5372
    Every time a new Star Wars property comes out there's a thunderous clamor about how "Star Wars is Ruined Forever!" and every time all I can think is "Guys! Let it cook!" People hated the Ewoks, and the prequel trilogy, and Ahsoka in the Clone Wars when they came out too, and we've basically come around to all of those things being Good Actually, or at least not as bad as people thought at the time.
  • @mrchiefbs
    Still can't get over the fact that her name is OSHA