Sandstorm | Star Citizen Machinima

Published 2022-05-13
Operation Sandstorm is launched. A rebel group has taken over part of Daymar. The UEE orders the recapture of a strategic outpost to cripple enemy operations. The secret services confirm the presence of Ground-based air defence systems as well as numerous ground troops. The fight begins.

Sandstorm is the incredible story of a technical challenge. Bring together as many players as possible over a long period of development (3.12 to 3.16). They were 97 from 5 different organizations. It is also an international project with the participation of citizens from 5 countries (France, USA, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany). We wanted to transcribe as closely as possible the intensity of the fighting on StarCitizen. Thank you to all participants. A new StarCitizen Machinima.


L'opération Sandstorm est lancée. Un groupe rebelle a pris le contrôle d'une partie de Daymar. L'UEE ordonne la reprise d'un avant-poste stratégique pour paralyser les opérations de l'ennemi. Les services secrets confirment la présence d'une défense aérienne ainsi que de nombreuses troupes au sol. Le combat commence.

Sandstorm c'est l'histoire incroyable d'un défi technique. Regrouper un maximum de joueurs sur une longue période de développement (3.12 à 3.16). Ils étaient 97 de 5 organisations différentes. C'est aussi un projet international avec la participation de citoyens de 5 pays (France, USA, Suisse, Belgique, Allemagne). Nous avons voulu retranscrire au plus près l'intensité des combats sur StarCitizen. Merci à tous les participants. Un nouveau Machinima via StarCitizen.


MUSIC: AudioNetwork



0:00 Introduction
0:50 Briefing
1:25 Sandstorm
7:16 Credits
8:15 Post-credits scene


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All Comments (21)
  • @benthomson1132
    Someone please send this directly to CR, I bet he'd absolutely love it.
  • @afewsnakes
    There are some shots that look lifted straight out of a modern sci fi film, like Dune or something. A testament to both the creative talent behind this video & the creative talent at CiG for creating such a breathtaking tech demo ;) 3.17 is the first patch where I feel like the game is shaping up to be a proper game. Tons of fun things to do & get lost in for hours, tons of things to do and see etc. The foundations are here now. I can’t wait to see what SC brings us in the future.
  • Bravo, j'imagine pas le nombres d'heures et de bug pour avoir tout ça... J'ai pris une grosse claque. C'est la meilleure vidéo SC que j'ai jamais vu je crois.
  • @Marslane
    Hands down, THIS IS THE BEST Star Citizen Machinima ever made. I LOOOVE THIS. Those mass scenes are sick. For some reason I am getting some big Starship Troopers vibes at the end. Amazing work.
  • @stevieboymkii
    One thing that stood out in terms of where other similar projects can fall down, was that people did a good job on the voice work.
  • @Heydudeitsmeee
    on 2 occasions i forgot i was watching starcitizen and at the same time i really got that clonewars vibe from the ground battles and tanks coming over the hill ...well done!
  • @BlackSkyLegion
    OUTSTANDING! I would very much like to spotlight this vid on tonight's show and of course, will give you full credit as well as promote your channel. More people need to see your work! Keep it up! o7
  • @IceH2o1
    And stuff like this is why Star Citizen is going to be one of the biggest steps in gaming we've seen in a very long time! Plus this is just awesome! Lol
  • @jockcop4205
    There’s been some great Star Citizen Machinima’s recently. This is one of the best I’ve seen loaded with film references. I saw Balckhawk Down, Top Gun and a bunch of others. Looking forward to part 2.
  • @DG360
    Can't wait to watch this!
  • @damandarin5415
    Mad video, this needs to go viral. Show’s SCs potential so well
  • @MontoyaTEST
    Besides the amazing visuals, pay attention to the sound design! Amazing audio and surround sound in there! Well done!
  • @Baleur
    2:55 to quote CIG devs last week: "its really hard to do night vision, because you have to lookup each materials specific IR reflectivity and multiply the complexity of all surface materials, its a long hard process" Random youtube filmmaker: "Ok bro? How about i just use a post-process filter for the exact same effect? Done."
  • @GoodGames
    As always on top. The film will go down in history as the first large-scale production of the battlefield in Star Citizen. ❤️
  • @SlyceYT
    Excellent work mate i literally had chills in my brain when the reinforcements landed from the Valkyries and those air to air shots were really impressive 10/10 would watch more
  • @BOTYgaming
    by FAR the best Star Citizen machinima I've seen, this was absolutely incredible! From the camerawork to the sound design, I loved every second of it.
  • It sucks servers only hold 50 people and we can't actually build bases yet, otherwise this would be so spot on with the AA guns and stuff Cant wait to do this in game, this is how battles should work