The Illusion of MONEY, TIME & EGO - Alan Watts

Published 2020-09-01
Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a well-known British philosopher, writer and speaker, best known for his interpretation of Eastern philosophy for Western audiences. He left behind more than 25 books and an audio library of nearly 400 talks, which are still in great demand.

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All Comments (21)
  • @AfterSkool
    It's always a joy to animate the words of Alan Watts. If you enjoyed this animation, please consider supporting After Skool on Patreon. Every donation, no matter how small, will go directly toward creating more videos like this. Thank you!
  • 6 months of being quarantined at home taught me more about life than 25 years of education
  • @Eternalised
    “Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people that they don't like.”
  • @jamescobia3677
    A few years of drug addiction leading to being homeless changed my perspective on life. Prior to being homeless I was a workaholic. Too much work and stress helped me become a drug addict. One day I was sitting by a canal and it occurred to me that everyone is racing to work and for what reason???? Money? I have been sober for 3 years now and own my own business. I work when I feel its necessary and play a whole lot! Alan is the man!
  • @Panda72021
    As someone who has always spent a ton of time in their own head, this was oddly comforting. I have often found that I am most peaceful...the most MYSELF when I am sitting in the woods listening to the birds, or out on a walk admiring the sky, or in my room creating an art piece or listening to music. There's a comfort in the now, just as it is. Regardless of what is going on in the world, the various versions of 'now' for each individual; our now is where we have the greatest influence. The 'then' or 'when' is where we slip into chaos and become unhappy with the burden of things that either haven't happened yet, or have already happened, so there's no possible way to go back for a cosmic "do-over".
  • @e7d485
    Past = depression, melancholy future = anxiety, uncertainty, illusion Present = peace of mind.
  • @justinsanee
    We suffer more in our imagination than reality.
  • @myown2101
    As I get older I appreciate my parents more and more... These are the kind of conversations I had with them as a kid. I remember asking my dad: "What kind of job I will have when I grow up?" My dad replied: "Your only job in life is to get to know true self and be happy. And question everything. Especially ideas that claim to be the absolute truth." I was 9 )))
  • I can't even imagine how hard it must have been to draw this whole video. It is beautiful. Thank you for your hard work
  • @zafartapadar
    Life is easy, it becomes hard when living better than our neighbour becomes our goal.
  • @angelsaenz8556
    First found Alan Watts when I was about 16 I’m currently 24 pushing 25 and man I can never get tired of his voice and his thoughts. Always seem to cheer me up in one way or another
  • @Casperh2000
    Let's all just appreciate that there is no annoying background music
  • @ICEcoldJT
    Things that CAN raise your vibration / improve your life -Try to drink a gallon of water a day -Meditation -Not relying on anyone else for happiness -Loving yourself -Sungazing -Vent to yourself -Working out -HIIT (some type of cardio) -Reading books -Semen retention / Nofap -Protect your sexual energy (females) -Having a leader mentality -Cold showers -Eating less -Chew food slower -Fasting -Waking up/ sleeping earlier -Having/ expressing gratitude for EVERYTHING -Cutting out fast food -Eat to LIVE , not for pleasure (natural foods, no need to feel obligated to go vegan or vegetarian tho) -Not comparing yourself to others -Only compete with yourself -Affirmations -Going outside (in nature ) -Get some sun -Not caring what others think -Give / contribute more to the world -Focus on you, go within -Breathing in from your nose -Cut out sugary drinks -Wim Hoff breathing -“OM” Chanting -Stoicism -Minimalism -Express yourself with art (music, drawing, poetry, etc) -Practice a martial art -Have a balance between being alone and having social company -Having an open mind and be aware of what you’re doing/ using your time and energy for -Cleaning your room (MAKE YOUR BED) -Use social media / electronics less -No phone (electronics ) 1-2 hrs before bed -Try not to use electronics first thing in morning -Sober lifestyle -Journaling -Writing down dreams -Getting 7-8 hrs of sleep -Taking Herbs: blackseed oil, haritaki, sea moss -Take vitamins -Have faith -Speak less -Spend less time with toxic people -Full body stretches / Yoga -Sleep on back (face to ceiling ) to strengthen spine -Have good posture -Listen to 432hz music -Listen to chakra frequencies: (396, 417, 528, 639, 741, 852, 963) -Use fluoride-free toothpaste -Ground yourself (walk barefoot in nature ) -Clap your hands more -Dance more -Use left hand more (using right side of brain) -Stop fighting against ego and work TOGETHER -Eliminate fear of death (have no fear all together) -Realize you’re a soul inside a body having a physical experience -Smile and laugh more Just some advice from what I’ve been doing. Please consider to try out at least 1 of the things from this list. (Feel free to screenshot this list if you want) If there’s anything you’d add to this list, comment below ‼️ Just here to provide value to the people who need it. If it’s your first time seeing this, the universe wanted you to see this💜
  • @vijaydayalal6523
    Thank you! The artwork of the video is a masterpiece. Thank you for creating this and for the effort it took. I’m about to turn 25 and I’m in a existencial crisis. But not in a negative way. I’m eager for a really positive turnaround. It’s like I learned a lot during these past years and I’m ready to deploy the best of me. This video really made me feel like I can achieve and I’ll achieve the things that in this present I can imagine and feel that is what I want to do while alive. Thank you again.
  • @zit1999
    Thank you so much! I could never concentrate on what Alan was saying before, but with your visuals it makes it easy for my mind to follow and understand ❤
  • @violetflame2111
    Mark Twain said on his deathbed that all of the things he feared happening the most in his life...never actually happened. I try my best to hold on to that one.
  • Lockdown has lifted the illusion for so many people. Some people have suffered mental health issues working from home because their only social interaction was with work colleagues. Now they have to face the reality that they don’t have many meaningful relationships, just distractions.
  • @LeoWilfo
    Alan watts the goat, helped me through the hardest times, could listen to him all day. 🐐