What has Starmer Done in his First Week?

Published 2024-07-12
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After 14 years in opposition, the Labour Party now has the chance to put their policies into practice and change the country. So what changes has Starmer already made? And what does this tell us about how he will continue to govern as Prime Minister?

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All Comments (21)
  • Having something like a “What has the government done this week (or month)” as a reoccurring format would be pretty nice I think.
  • @Sweep7000
    "Putting experienced people into government from outside the world of politics" - so basically people who are actually qualified, then? Weird.
  • @Fitchy-ke3wz
    This all sounds really boring and sensible. More of this please, no more tory showboating
  • @CedricTheMad
    Who'd think of putting somebody in charge of things they have an expert level of experience with instead of some powermad politician.
  • @ffotograffydd
    It’s obvious why Starmer chose Richard Hermer. He’s a leading barrister and so is up to date on current law, where as Emily Thornberry hasn’t practiced law for almost 20 years.
  • @StagDad_
    Putting experienced people in junior roles really helps on the base level, so as to move them up as they make direct change on the floor level
  • @mikehill5164
    "...similarly shocking was his decision to appoint experts to junior roles in the government." This is where the Tories have left us. This should just be how governments operate. So glad we have professionals finally in charge
  • @Morphed626
    I’ve read that he chose Hermer over thornberry because of his experience tackling tricky issues that plugs the gaps in Starmers vast legal knowledge in a way that thornberrys couldn’t
  • @antlermagick
    My major concern is that Labour have very much locked themselves into this course of action. They've consistently promised no tax rises and no spending cuts, and reaffirmed that promise after the election. So the only way for them to raise funding is to stimulate economic growth. If they pull this off it'll go down as one of the biggest economic turnarounds in our country's history. But if they fail and need to raise taxes or introduce austerity measures, nobody will ever trust Starmer again. I suppose we'll wait and see.
  • @zooker7938
    Wow, Starmer appoints people to positions who are actually qualified to run those positions? It's incredible that this is an unusual thing.
  • @infernox1099
    in short "They said they'll do this in their manifesto, and they're actually doing what they said they would"
  • @Semisonic56
    Feels weird to have a Labour government again. I’m old enough to (vaguely being a kid) remember Labour being in power. But a change of pace and feeling optimistic again is good.
  • I’m glad to see the government investing with the hope of a real return rather than just selling off public assets for essentially nothing
  • WHAT??? Has Starmer gone mad? He is exactly that type of politician who would put a gardener in charge of the gardens, a carpenter in charge of furniture repairs, or an electrician in charge of the electrical installations! Does he not think of any completely incompetent guys whose only advantage is that they know someone who will not get these highly paid jobs now? S-H-O-C-K-I-N-G.
  • the Rwanda thing is funny because now the spokesperson for the Rwanda government came out and said since the UK government broke the agreement they won't be refunding anything and those houses that had been built would go to Rwanda's citizens 😂😂😂
  • You should definitely start a series where you update on what the government has done each month. Would be so useful to keep up with what they're doing
  • @sav5127
    Appointing ministers on basis of merit and not their political capacity. Wow, didnt know this was a thing
  • Basically they’re doing exactly what they said they’d do. I must say I’m pleasantly surprised.
  • @LayDurafe
    This series is essential for holding every government accountable, ensuring that promised progress is being made rather than just empty words.