Designing the Perfect Imperial Fleet

Published 2023-12-19
On today's Star Wars video we're going to break down the Empire and design the perfect Imperial fleet! All that and more on today's Star Wars Lore video!

Ship Models by FractalSponge:

Editing by Mar
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All Comments (21)
  • @BrickStopmotions
    Thrawn: Write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN!! Tarkin: * Grabs an eraser *
  • #AskEck I'd really love to see the same thing done. But with the Rebel Alliance This means limited ships, use of clever tactics, no Capital Ships above a Frigate size. Limited production of ships and also the Alliances goals excetera Also what are some of the most dangerous "planets" in the entire Galaxy? Korriban as an example
  • @MinedMaker
    Designing an imperial fleet that follows doctrine somewhat, but isn't totally stupid is basically the Thrawn trilogy in a nutshell.
  • @singletona082
    Teplen institute's Outer Rim Yacht Club is a genuinely amazing fleet comp. Granted it's also one who's command will be sabotaged at every step of the way by how effective it is while not conforming to imperial dogma. It'll be seen as a threat to the pecking order. Not because of the, honestly, inspired ship choices or doctrinal changes, but by way of fostering a sense of loyalty within the crew that flows down and around as opposed to merely up the chain.
  • "The TIEs will help but you can't rely on them?" Ridiculous good Sir! The TIE Avengers and Defenders have no equals. Fill your hangars with them and none may stand against you. Technology is the key to victory!
  • @o2by4
    Do a unsc AND covenant fleet next please
  • @adam11awsome19
    #AskEck Can you please explain how SHIELDS work for us on capitol ships, why in episode 3 was Anakin able to so easily destroy the shield generator of the Invisible Hand to enter the ship to save Palpatine? Why were the shield generators kept outside of the ships shields so that they could be destroyed from mere laser cannons? Is this the same for other capitol ships as well or simply a design flaw?
  • @Warrior_Jedi
    #AskEck How do you think Thrawn would have approached the major battle sequences from the films (either Original or Sequels)? Yavin, Hoth, Endor etc.
  • @andrewerler7408
    Ideal Imperial Task Force (small fleet): 1 ISD2, 1 VSD, 1 Interdictor (questionable if available), 2 Dreadnaught HC, 3 Carrack LC, 4 Arquitens LC, 3 Lancer Frigates, 4 Raider CVs. This also provides 12 squadrons of star fighters (without the Interdictor). Also easily splitable into 2 or more smaller components.
  • @shadowwriter329
    #AskEck One thing I was always curious about was how the main Government in the galaxy either Republic or Empire, would categorize time events and dates? We the viewers use BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) and ABY (After Battle of Yavin) to show when certain battles and events take place for obvious reasons. But the Empire and Republic clearly wouldn’t be using these in their time periods. So how would they describe events such as “The Clone Wars started on ___” or “The Empire was founded on ___”?
  • #AskEck Have we seen any notable Mercenary warbands, companies or fleets in Star Wars, legends or canon of any era? I recall bounty hunters a plenty, but not any notable mercenaries.
  • Eck’s fleet comp sounds pretty solid, but I’d through a modular task force cruiser in there as well for logistics. Hiigaran vessels from Homeworld are notable because of how versatile they are, as larger vessel classes such as carriers and battle cruisers are highly modular and can have weapons and even internal subsystems swapped out for anything needed in a certain situation. The MTC is like the only ship that can do this in Star Wars for some reason. Also of note about Hiigaran fleets is that they have the ability to replenish losses through resource extraction and salvaging. If rebel fleets had access to vessels that could function as factory ships it would be totally joever for the Empire real quick.
  • @percyjackson386
    #AskEck 1) if you were a Imperial Commander of a imperial fleet and you have just heard of the death of the emperor at ender what would you do, what type of Imperial Warlord would you be. 2) if you are a new reoublic naval commander of a task froce during the yuuzhan vongwhat war, what types of ships whoud you have. (notes - you only know of the yuuzhan vong as much the new republic dose before the fall of coruscant)
  • I'd go: - ISD II (Anti-Capital/Flexibility) - VSD I (Missile support/Anti-Capital) - 4x Lancer Frigates (To cover each Star Destroyer) - 2x Rendili Dreadnoughts (Supporting anti-capital fire/Protecting the Lancers) - Quasar Light Carrier (Heavy snubfighter use to cover flanks) - Carrack Cruiser (Heavy support for the Quasar)
  • @unfortunate3256
    #AskEck If you could redesign the first death star to look or act how ever you wanted what would you change about it? The only rule is that it still has to remain as a scare tactic to keep systems in line
  • Would Like to hear your take on The Expanse ships, and The Expanse universe in general. I think they compare well to the HALO E-U, especially the earlier books, ware Zero G and other hard science ideas were more prevalent.
  • @BrickStopmotions
    #AskEck If a Borg Cube encountered a World Devastator, what would happen? Would the Borg be able to adapt to the Devastator's weapon, or would it just get eaten away? Or would they not even fight, but instead join forces, the World Devastator having similar adapting capabilities and being the epitome of Artificial Intelligence they've been striving for? And, should they fight, would the Devastator be able to adapt to and fire back Borg weaponry? *Video 3 of posting this😁
  • @XedricPlays
    I don't why but eck's outro is so nostalgic reminds me of when i used to binge watch him back in the 2020 during lock down
  • @roguenine9LU
    In Star Wars: Rebellion, my standard Inperial Fleet is usually either an ISD or a VSD, if I start with any Dreadnaught cruisers I'll usually have them in a fleet with a VSD but I don't build them, I'll also usually have an Escort Carier with the VSD fleets since the VSDs only carry two fighter squadrons, after those ships every fleet typically gets 2 Carrak Cruisers, 2 Lancer Frigates, 2 Assault Transports, and an Interdictor. My Rebel Fleets usually start out as either a Bulk Cruiser and/or an Escort Carrier and two Corellian Corvettes. As I research more vessels, I'll usually add two Nebilon B Frigates, a Mon Calamari Cruiser, 2 Corellian Gunships, and a CC-7700 Frigate a s they're researced and will often move any Bulk Cruisers to my base defense fleet since . For fleets focused primarily on planetary defense like the one protecting my secret base snd the one orbiting my primary core world prison planet, I'll typically just use 4 gunships. In the rare instances that I take over a system using a planetary assault I'll add a couple other ships to increase the fleet's troop capacity to 6 regiments, but I generally try to avoid planetary invasions for most of the game. I don't usually need to build any of the more advanced ships as I've usually established military dominance by the time they're researched and am mostly just trying to gain control of planets and find the leaders I need to capture.