Published 2024-04-14
The mayhem hit new highs (and new lows!) this week with the most dominating performances yet seen this season... We might have expected these results, but definitely not to this magnitude!

Have this year's finalists already revealed themselves? Only time (and your votes) will tell...

WINNER: My Own Little Nightmare - two: A Little Nightmares Song - Fruit Ninja the Musical (62.6%)
RUNNER-UP: Lost in the Woods: A Slender Song - Rhythm Thief: The Musical - The K. Rool Way (21.7%)
LAST PLACE: The Amiibo Song - The Brony Song - Hyrule Warrior's Heart: A Legend of Zelda Song (15.7%)

WINNER: Bendy and the Ink Musical - Phasmophobia the Musical - The Cult of the Lamb the Musical (54.7%)
RUNNER-UP: Nana Knows the Ending: A Mr. Hopp Song - Determined to the End: An Undertale Song - Go to Sleep: A Minecraft Song (22.8%)
LAST PLACE: Kindergarten the Musical - The Zubat Song: A Pokemon Musical - Better: An Uncharted/Tomb Raider Song (22.4%)

All Comments (17)
  • That… was not what I expected at all. I REALLY wanted Amiibo and Hyrule Warrior team to win, but team Melon is good too.
  • @rustythomas6982
    i gotta admit the twist ending in phasmaphoiba was good. i can see why it won.
  • @elizabethk007
    The teams so far: Team Pokemon* Team Story Team Action/Batman Team Monkey* Team Love Team Classic Games Team Hazard* Team Baby Team DS Team FNAF (feat. Circus Baby)* Team Christmas Team Raymy Team Cult* Team Mustache Team Monster Team Evil Girl* Team Tricks Team Bad Animation Team Space Crew* Team SEGA Team Bad Dance Number Team Tough Scary Bald Men* Team Duo (feat. Nate and AJ) Team Robot Team Santa* Team Pokemon (2) Team Mega Fail Team Mischief* Team Anime Team Feel-good Party Team Melon Squad* Team Suit Team Obsession Team Demon* Team Ending Team Cave * = Winners
  • @Apophis324
    Aww, Nana Knows the Ending was tossed out already? People just don't appreciate the first Hopp song enough! (Or Phasmaphobia is just 100 times more popular...)
  • @pokepal8272
    Ohhh..so thats why cult of the lamb wasnt chosen to be in the cult team in one of the previous rounds
  • @Kasanei
    I love Bendy and the Ink Musical! But I have a question, would the voice be exactly from Matthew or just another else? I'm hoping that Matthew gonna be the voice-cast of it!!!
  • While I'm disappointed to see Determined to the End (which I picked) get eliminated, I'm still glad that Bendy and the Ink Musical is pulling through.
  • @branthegarbage
    NOOOOOOOOO I'm so upset Rhythm thief and Slender deserved better
  • @JQ_46662
    Hello Every one RE amzing The Team Pokimon The Best 😏
  • @Clairebell3
    LET'S GOOO!! I knew team demon was gonna win! 🎉🎉
  • @JameyMcQueen
    I'm 9 for 12 so far, which is far better than I expected this year.
  • @vandt6433
    12/12 in predictions. This battle royal so far has been predictable
  • @DylanKatt
    AJ, Gwen, Nate, I know this is long, but PLEASE READ THIS! There's a bottom line down below if you want to just read that. My picks keep losing! 😆 I want to say something. I don't know what you think about the afterlife, but I know that if we die in our sins, if we've lied, stolen, used God's name as a swear word, (eg. OMG), looked at someone with lust, we're going to go to hell. That breaks my heart, I don't want you to go to hell! God is paying us in death for our sins. He's giving us the death sentence! But there IS a way to find everlasting life! Please listen! The 10 commandments are called the moral law. You and I broke the law. Jesus paid the fine! THAT'S what happened on that cross! If you're in court and you have speeding fines, a judge will legally let you go if someone paid your fine. God can legally take the death sentence off you! Because of what Jesus did on the cross! All you have to do to find everlasting life is repent of your sins, turn away from them, and say, "God, I am sorry for my sins!" And trust and put your faith in Jesus! Don't trust your goodness to save you, God PROMISES, and he CANNOT lie, He'll forgive you in an INSTANT and grant you everlasting life as a free gift! Bottom line: Repent of your sins, and TRUST and put your FAITH in Jesus! 😁 If you have any questions, PLEASE let me know, and I will answer them! We'll get team Demon next time! 😃