The Historic Downfall of The Walking Dead

Publicado 2023-04-15

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @thicccheese4007
    I think the show fell apart when fans realized the loop the story was in. Find new settlement, deal with some walkers, introduce new bad guy, kill at least one beloved character to really hammer in the fact the bad guy is the bad guy, drag on the war with the bad guy, kill at least one more beloved character, final battle with the bad guy, move on to find new territory because walkers just decided to show up out of nowhere, repeat process.
  • @kkaugustine1958
    Killing off Carl for shock value was beyond stupid. Especially since he is the ENTIRE reason Rick has for living, and also in the comics he survived.
  • @Lylslet
    Killing Carl off literally ruins the whole purpose of Rick’s story and the entire show. Carl was literally hyped up to be the fruition of Rick’s immense effort in surviving and raising a son during everyone’s worst nightmare.
  • @christamist
    The fact that carl survived 2 bullets yet randomly gets bitten and dies. That irritated me so much. At least give him a better death than that.
  • @samuelault4723
    I think it’s fitting that a zombie show lived longer than it should’ve
  • I’m so glad that Steven Yeun, danai gurira, and Jon Bernthal found so much success apart from the show
  • @milkbottle4u
    Biggest mistake that led to all the others was firing Frank Darabont. “Yeah, let’s fire the guy that made Shawshank, The Mist, and The Green Mile.” Brilliant
  • @demiggi
    Before Glenn's fake-out death everything made sense, everything worked, everything was almost 'air-tight'. Everything that happened up to then had logical explanations. But that scene when dozens of walkers stand over him and somehow only ravage the person on top of him, whilst Glenn is able to 'sneak' away, is for me the start of the end for the Walking Dead Series.
  • @HJ-ek6hn
    Crazy to think how TWD and GOT were the two biggest things in television for almost a decade, and because of how bad they messed both of those shows up, absolutely nobody talks about them anymore.
  • @dicarpio2177
    They spent far too much of the show forgetting that: 1) you can cover yourself in zombie guts and they’ll ignore you 2) if you michonne it and remove a walkers arms and jaw so they can’t attack you, you can keen them as pets on a chain and other walkers will leave you alone And then they killed Carl…
  • @azzulbustillo
    yeah season 7 broke me tbh. watching it really felt like a chore and then season 8 rolls around and they kill carl for no good reason, yeah i’m done.
  • @masquerade3852
    I always liked how at the start, every time you see a fight break out you really didnt know if your fav character would live to tomorrow. Its a shame it went so downhill. I think personally the biggest downfall of walking dead was the shift from zombies and survival to a theme of humans being the real monsters
  • @Hazeljv3
    I'm one of the people who bailed on TWD shortly after Glenn was killed off (which I felt created a huge charisma void in the show tbh), but the first death that set off bad writing alarm bells in my head was Beth's. I know that a lot of people didn't like her and probably didn't care, but I did, and the fact that the writers gave her some strong character growth just to immediately kill her off was a HUGE red flag for me. It felt really cheap and unnecessary.
  • @kevinmarrett9532
    The most important thing that people needed and didn’t get, causing them to quit, is HOPE. People watch apocalyptic shows because they want to see people dragging civilization back from the pit. They don’t want to just watch a never ending treadmill of character introductions and deaths while the setting stays the same.
  • @lazylenni1017
    When I watched the show, I saw its future in the character of Carl. So when they killed him off, I didn't quite know what the show was trying to be anymore.
  • @paragonnight437
    I found out the Walking Dead finished through this video and I am one of those guys who never returned after the Finale of S6. I thought I quit much sooner but turns out I made it through a lot and you perfectly highlighted why I stopped caring and answered a question I always had . . . Why? Boomerang Story Telling <.<
  • @DrkLrdK
    My biggest problem was when the group would do something that was extremely effective and helpful, but then several episodes later would completely discard the idea. "Hey this is a really effective way to kill zombies without putting us in danger." "I know! Lets not do that ever again." "Agreed!"
  • Cant remember who, but someone once said "The art of making a show/serie is knowing when to stop" Crazy how many shows dont learn from this.
  • @Unknown0525
    It would have been so much better to just have Negan do one hit on Abraham, cut to black, then save Glenn’s death for the premiere.
  • @SirBladewind
    I pretty much jumped ship when they killed Glenn. Glad to see I wasn't the only one.