How sepsis 'silent killer' made Mick O'Dowd a quadruple amputee | Australian Story

Published 2020-11-23
On Christmas Day father-of-two Mick O’Dowd was experiencing muscle pain. By Boxing Day, he was fighting for his life in intensive care.

Mick was diagnosed with sepsis, a little known but life-threatening illness that occurs when the body’s response to an infection damages its own tissues and organs.

To save his life, doctors were forced to amputate all of Mick’s limbs.

This is the incredible story of determination and love in the face of an incomprehensible situation.

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All Comments (21)
  • @gabe-po9yi
    How much it must have meant to him when she looked lovingly into his eyes and said It’s going to pretty different, but we’ll get through it and smiled.
  • @Foxor83
    I don’t know how this woman had the strength and fortitude to talk so calmly to her husband during such a grim and dark time.
  • I fell ill in this same exact way. Nov 7 2019 was the day I finally came to the ER and within 4 hours I was on life support with multiple organ failure and a 30% chance of survival. I'm fortunate to have not had amputations but I became paralyzed and am wheelchair bound. This journey has changed me in the best way. The amount of insight, patience and humility you obtain from surviving septic shock is baffling.
  • @BOLLOCKS1968
    My sister in law just passed on July the 10th from this. She had been telling nurses and doctors she was not feeling well for days before they finally did some tests that revealed she was in septic shock. From the time they diagnosed her ... she didn't even last 24 hours. Hospitals are so over crowded and under staffed these days that people are not getting the proper care.
  • I had sepsis . I was very sick and passed out . The EMT said you probably just stood up too quick . You still want to go to the hospital . I almost said no but then I knew how sick I was . Don’t let anyone talk you out of seeking medical help.
  • @marilynvallance
    Definitely needs to be more awareness of this deadly condition.
  • @davido3395
    I could not watch this until the end. My friend of over 45 years died from Sepsis and her funeral was on the 12th of August 2022. It is still too soon to tell her whole story as I am still in shock. All I can say is that something must be done to save any more patients, families and friends from this shocking condition.
  • @sally628
    Hats off to this true loving wife! Sepsis is an enemy disease and under-rated. She is a “the ride or die wife” and “till death do us apart” God bless her heart and Mick and bless their family 💜 🙏
  • @dalebrown2469
    Wonderful wife that took her vows serious. This I s what I did with my husband. I stood by him till he passed
  • @brody6334
    Never take life for granted. It can change within half a second and turn upside down in an instant.
  • He is so lucky to have such a loving family there to support him through this. All my best wishes to him and his family!
  • @heidipeters7174
    With every hour left with an untreated sepsis your recovery diminishes by 8%. It’s harrowing. My dad was having a stent procedure ( A Thursday)but because he had had a bypass a few years previously the doctors decided to keep him in under observation overnight which would have been fine if he’d been monitored properly. Unbeknown to them, They had torn his vein and it had pooled and sepsis had set in during the night. By the morning he critical and they rushed him into the ICU. He was induced into a coma and by Tuesday after multiple organ failure he had gone. It’s hard not to feel anger and resentment especially as my mum and dad were inseparable and she took it so hard. This was 7 years ago now yet so little is being publicized about this terrible condition.
  • @Bloem777
    His wife...she has something special. What a very very sweet strong lady. God bless this fam.
  • @MrEmreWawa
    he couldn’t have survived without his wife. she was so calm and logical about everything. he’s a lucky man to have her.
  • My son was born premature at 23 weeks and ended up with sepsis 2 weeks later. Doctors told us he had maybe 24 hours if we’re lucky. He’s now 5 years old and thriving. Strong spirits can go so far in life!
  • @Jnanabase
    Wow to have TWO people go through the same circumstance, and both recovered well mentally and physically, good to see!
  • @StephenRedeemed
    I just got out of the hospital from having sepsis, I got lucky, they caught early. I still spent a month in hospital. Good luck my friend with your new journey!
  • @lesiGayle
    Still an amazing family! Still strong! I survived sepsis when I was in my 20's and am currently fifty- six. I had all of the symptoms and was lucky enough to have a doctor who immediately realized I needed hospital. I was fortunate to make a full recovery without catastrophic results. Bless you all!
  • I had sepsis after my first round of chemo and was in the ICU for 10 days. I was so fortunate to make it out. One of my coworkers had sepsis two years ago and is a quadruple amputee. She is an amazing person and is doing so well now.
  • @jannwebb
    Same thing happened to my grandson when he was 11 months old. He had chicken pox and strep throat at the same time. The strep went everywhere in his body, even INSIDE his eyeballs! He had only one amputated leg, so he is blessed. He’s 29 now.