Early Patch Notes Are Insane! (Season 21)


コメント (21)
  • @r0achk3vin
    They gonna remove the digi and now everyone is gonna play bloodhound until they cry about that to... pfft
  • @EliHazapis
    Just remove the digital threat from ranked them or ALGS it didn’t need to be removed from pubs. There was nothing wrong with it.
  • @KaitDiaz47
    If it's really that bad just remove it from Ranked I don't think the digital threat needs to be removed
  • @temm1734
    Broo all my shotguns are never gonna have sights again xd without the digi theres no reason to have a scope for shotguns
  • Again another harmless item removed because pros are crying about it, it balances out bloodhound as his ult is a constant digi so we are gonna have a Bangalore and bloodhound meta and if you don’t run bloodhound ur screwed.
  • As a newcastle main any buffs makes me happy :) but one thing i I would like is a toggle feature similar to gibby arm shield where i can toggle the teammate tracking on his ult, the amount of times it has messed me up trying to place his ult Where I want to just because my friend is Slightly close to my camera even when i try to look away from them hell i been in alot of Situations where while in the air my ult will change Directions just Because my friends get slighty close to my ult tracking so It would be a welcome life changer If I can enable & disable his ult teammate tracking
  • Why didn't they just make it as rare as the gold sniper scope? I rarely if not EVER see it unless i hit a supply drop, but even then its still rare.
  • @onit_4208
    Man this new legend is going to be soo annoying
  • All the real OG’s know that solo wasn’t that great of a game mode when it dropped with iron crown. You think the ratting was bad with these flatline skin challenges just “wait”, because that’s all you’ll be doing in solo is waiting for that one rat to show themselves.
  • shoutout to the madlad in meyels' team who put a weener in chat
  • Thanks pros for taking out digital threat 20 seasons (5 years) later
  • Great so now with no Digi, we just gonna go back to the bloodhound and Bangalore meta Thanks pros
  • @JamesM2667
    They should live by Titanfalls motto “if everything is OP nothing is OP”
  • @Kiwiiii
    im excited for solos but i wont lie i hate it when respawn makes an ltm takeover an existing playlist. why not js make it its own playlist?? they’ve done it b4 i dont see what’s the issue. maybe im nitpicking idk
  • Changed Digi to be Pistol or Shotgun only, but theybstill complaining it is still too strong. Get real.