The Slavic Venetic Connection

Published 2020-04-30

All Comments (21)
  • @MLaserHistory
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Extra Information & sometimes Corrections if needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0:01 My old Slavic video, I can't really recommend you watch it- 0:08 The Slavic Venetic connection is different from the "Venetic Theory" which is an inaccurate autochtones theory created by Slovenian nationalists. 0:08 The symbol I chose for the Veneti here is a common symbol found on Przeworsk culture type weapons, this culture type was in the same area where the Veneti where described to live so it's very likely the said Veneti used this symbol. 0:55 Graia is where the Latin name Greece comes from even though Greeks call themselves Hellas and back than they didn't really even use that as they saw themselves as many independent people's like Ionians, Dorians, etc. The name Greece just came from Romans being very much indifferent to what the Greeks actually said their differences were. 1:07 I omitted what Malone classified the Vistula Veneti as (also sorry for the little spelling mistake Indo-European not "Indi"), which is Germanic. I do this because in the end it's the same conclusion this video comes to and it would be too early in the video to talk about why Malone would classify the Veneti as Germanic. Hence to not confuse any people not familiar with the subject I omitted the Malone's Germanic argument at the start. 1:42 In Roman chronicles, 'near' and 'at' are two different markers. Near does not mean at the Baltic sea hence why I put the Veneti a bit south of the Baltic beaches. 1:50 I say clumsily because Roman writers rarely mention strait up geographical markers and cardinal directions. They usually start off with one Geographical marker and then continue on saying tribes that live next to it and than tribes that live next to those tribes, etc. This way it's sometimes hard to decipher where exactly some of these tribes where in relation to the starting geographical marker. 2:13 Sorry I am incapable of reading Sarmatians without adding an extra 'n' to it, "Sermantians". 3:22 Cassiodorus' work was in turn based upon an even earlier work by the Gothic historian Ablabius. 5:10 Work by Malalas has been lost and only a portion of it survives in a Theophanes rewriting. 5:45 I don't have the time nor care enough to talk about the MANY inaccuracies all these theories and others have. If you believe one of them just know that they have no bases in any Historical, Archaeological or Genealogical, research. 5:50 Not all Serbians believe this. I should have added that this is just a nationalistic theory, most Serbians are thought normal history in school. 6:44 They did this by trying to connect the Veneti to a Proto-Slavic tribe common to all modern Slavs. 7:06 Also a lot of other stuff we don't have time to get in to like stone furnaces with a specific size, storage pits with narrowed necks, etc. 7:15 Archaeological culture types also often overlap specially on their borders which you will see on the maps in this video. 8:50 Although not completely accurately. For example it's unknown how far north did the Marcomanic and Hermunduric control extend, also at the same time it's not completely specified where north of the Danube the Naristi where, they could have been a bit (although not by much) further up stream or down stream than where I have put them. But over all we are able to create a pretty accurate picture. 8:52 The blue tribes in today's Slovakia and Northern Romania are the remnants of Celtic tribes that invaded Pannonia during the Celtic invasion of the 4th century BCE. You can find out more in this video - Those tribes at this point as you can see overlap with Dacian and Sarmatian tribes because they have been very much mixed with those populations. These Celts will eventually disappear during Hunnic invasion. 10:43 Chronologically my 5th point comes before the 4th point as attested by the dates in the top right corner and I apologize for the confusion, I noticed this too late to fix it. 12:44 Weilbark is the only culture type that seems to be just Germanic. 12:58 Russians mainly promoted Kiev or Chernyakhov during the USSR era when all the culture types where all still within one country. 13:40 Slavs called yew and willow the same thing which is why in the video I used the current Polish name for willow as an example. They also called spruce and larch the same thing. This is why today for example larch in Slovak is "smrek" while in Serbian spruce is "smrk" not larch. You'll see a lot of current Slavic languages use very similar names for trees but for different types of trees. This is because they usually all come from a single borrowed word that defined all the trees of that type (type usually just meant looking similar as back then there weren't scientific differentiations between different species of a similar trees). 14:23 These "Slavic" hill forts differ from previous fortification in their communal setup. Prior to the 5th century most forts resembled large Roman influence with distinguished social classes like masons, and farmers, etc. "Slavic" hill forts on the other hand, other than occurring much more frequently on hills than previous forts, have a much more fluid social order with very rarely distinguished hierarchies being found in the archaeological record. 14:45 It could also be remnants of Baltic tribe hill-forts just like the ones in Latvia. 16:02 The Teutonic order wasn't a tribe, a pour choice of an on screen example, I am sorry. 19:11 There are accounts of Slavic warriors being present at the Hunnic court meaning the Slavs managed to establish themselves during the Hunnic era, further supporting the emergence of the Prague type pottery cultures during this time. 19:19 Keep in the mind the Slavic Prague type pottery cultures weren't just Slavic. They most likely where majority Slavic but had a sizable heterogeneous minority. With the Prague type pottery cultures in southern Ukraine having Sarmatians and other steppe people influences the groups in Eastern Germany, Western Poland and Czechia having Germanic influences, etc. 19:54 The most recent common ancestor of any haplogroup is between 3000 to 5000 years ago. Which A. is a difference of 2000 years, that is a huge time scale just think of how much happened in just our last 2000 years. Trying to make ethnic migratory prediction off of that is impossible. B. That would put the most recent genetic changes we can track at the soonest 1000BCE at the collapse of the Bronze age. While the event we're trying to understand is the Migration period happening 1500 years later. So DNA really can't tell us about migratory movement that happened during the early middle ages. 21:07 It is debated whether the small axe pedant found in eastern Europe around the 10th to 12th centuries was only of Varangian (Scandinavian) origin or it was also used by Slavs. The practice of wearing a small weapon as a pedant definitely originated form Scandinavia (see Thor's hammer pedant) and was brought to the Slavs through the Varangian raids in to Eastern Europe. However considering that some axe pedants, also called Perun's axe (Perun was the Slavic deity of lightning a Slavic equivalent to Thor, who was often represented by an axe.) where found in areas where Scandinavians would be hard press to be like in Hungary, it is most likely this practice of wearing small weapon pedants to symbolize gods was adopted by the Slavs from the Scandinavians.…
  • @kaimodar8639
    Meanwhile in Polish schools: "One day Lech, Czech and Rus came to the forest, divided the lands, and that's how it began. Let's skip to 966 when we were Christianised by Mieszko."
  • lol Tacitus might as well had written on the Veneti: "They drink water, breathe air and eat food."
  • It's worth considering how Romans learned the names of distant tribes. Probably Procopius and Tacitus just interrogated slaves from Germania, who gave whatever name their own tribes used for them. A very similar thing occured in the Americas, where many tribes were named in Spanish and American ethnologies as "our hated enemies" in the language of whichever friendly tribe they happened to be speaking to. Ex: the Anasazi were a disappeared culture in the Southwest, and their name literally means "ancient enemy" in Navajo.
  • I have long been puzzled by the fact that slavic people just popped out of existence and just appeared suddenly. This video helped a lot in gaining an insight into the topic, thank you! Best wishes!
  • @persemake6090
    IIn Finnish, "Russia" is "venäjä" and Estonians call them "venemaa", don't know whetter this has anything to do with the venetti thing but seems at least to be quite a coincident-
  • Well, we the Serbs were first in the universe, then the Croats and then the amebas... After that we invented God and let him do the rest! That's a fact, I am suprised that some of you don't know that! Simple common knowlidge...
  • @teer7461
    The problem with mtDNA and Y-DNA is that they shows only small part of ancestry. Fortunately the rapid development of genetics has made it possible to study the entire genome, including for archaic DNA studies (studies of DNA people that died). So there will be plenty of new discoveries in near future, especially since research has become much cheaper than even 10 or 20 years ago (even up to two or three orders of magnitude)
  • @Sedithke
    I'm hungarian and I really enjoyed your video! I hate so much that our (I mean us, people in Eastern-Europe) attitude towards history is full of politics and nationalism when we are rather similar than different. Thank you, I learnt a lot! 😊
  • @bonafikam
    Finding well-researched videos about slavic history is so rare, thank you!!
  • @Bleilock1
    i hope you, every one of us, just realises that we are all brothers and that we should not fight, but we should unite and prosper greetings and blessings from Croatia thank you sir for your extensive historical work, helps much better than the school i'm afraid...
  • @olmaned3795
    The real question, which the answer to would clear everything up, is: did they squat?
  • It is good that there is someone who explores Eastern European history with objective scientific aproach and "nothing is black and white" attitude. People in Eastern Europe (even worse, a big part of the accademia) think in an outdated inacurate frame of thought from the 20th century and refuse to move on, beacause it's inconvinient. GOOD JOB!
  • Loved the vid and the fact you are diving into a topic facing a perfect storm of written record scarcity and political vendettas. Cheers from Russia. Thankfully, most... emotionally charged "historians" of my country are currently too busy discussing the Soviet and Imperial period to bother you, and I hope it stays that way for a long time.
  • @Corillo92
    Amazing video and great graphic! I am a linguist in Leiden and we are right now working on a revisited Baltoslavic etymological dictionary and it's hard for a youtube video to have some new informations for me, but you managed to do it ;)
  • @Blogfar
    Thank you! Great work, I would love to hear some more!
    Yes we are just white European Mix of Slavic, Germanic, Gothic, Celtic etc . That includes most of Europe and all these languages and identities were created over time but in actuality we are one people , one nation and we should stand as one.
  • @PaganPolska
    We're actually secretly aliens from planet Slavia. You didn't hear that from me though. 🖖🏻👽