Secret Recording Asking Jehovah's Witness Elders Why They Won't Meet With Me

Published 2017-07-12

All Comments (21)
  • @coralaisly
    Typical. When you're doing something for them, it's "We love you so much!" and when you start asking questions, it's "SHUN THE NON-BELIEVER!!!"
  • @Michael19585
    They wont answer your questions because they can't. Your questions are valid, walk away.
  • If Yahshua, ( Jesus real name) went to a Kingdom Hall today they would dis fellowship him. He shuns no one and would speak to all.
  • @katc.4806
    Steve - I am sitting in my car crying for the way the are treating you. I can only analyze it this way, If you had a drinking or drug problem and came to your dear brothers/elders stating you needed their help. Would they treat you the same way they are treating you now? And I bet they will. It sad to hear you nearly BEGGING for them to help you and you are being Ignored, Talked Down To, Told This Is Not The Time Nor The Place To Ask For Help. This video is Very Painful To Watch and To Hear. I am sending you positive energy to leave this organization and gather those you love and walk away. You are NOT strong enough at this moment to deal with these Hypocrites. Peace & Strength be upon you.
  • @dr.richmann4477
    When they can't answer the question, they attack the source of the question and use that as a reason not to answer the question(s). They say its from an apostate source. Why would they think that? Tell them an apostate is one who has left Jehovah. These questions are not from ones who have left Jehovah, but ones who have left the Watchtower. You can't say that if they left Watchtower they have left Jehovah. No, Jehovah is not Watchtower.
  • The father of the prodigal son welcomed his son back BEFORE and DESPITE whether he knew if he was repentant or not !
  • @kriticalthinka
    This religion turns men into cowards. Jesus would be ashamed of how cowardice these elders can be
  • @danlec1981
    Isn't it disgusting how they infer that once his kids get baptized that it will mean they will stop communicating with him and they just shrug it off!
  • @tonyzac100
    Elders are watchtower corporate managers...nothing more
  • @jacqwerner7919
    he's lying about the prodigal son because the only one reason the prodigal son came home was he had spent all his money and he was starving. When his father saw him down the road he didn't know if he had changed or had humbled himself all he saw was his son and they ran into each other and hugged each other before they even said a word so how could they sit there and say that the prodigal son had humbled himself when his own father didn't even know if his own son had even repented he was just so happy to see that his son had returned to him period!!! I know a lot of witnesses they get that parable wrong they always say that the prodigal son had repented and the father knew it. But if you read the actual account you'll see that he saw him way down the road and was happy to see him that far away just to know that he was coming home.
  • @ConnorwithanO
    "Apostate" comes from the Ancient Greek word for "runaway slave." I'm proud to call myself one.
  • @tanyad9483
    I feel for you. My husband is a dis-fellowshipped witness, he still goes and put up with that treatment. I am not and never was a witness, I pray that he come to know the truth sooner than later. Thank you for sharing.
  • @csillatorok5060
    It alwasy amuse me if JWs are not allowed visiting "apostate" sites or reading such litrature how the hell they know what are the "apostate questions"?
  • @informant2331
    Great documentation for the you tube catalog, for the public to EASILY AND SIMPLY become Aware!  Nice work.
  • @asizatait1580
    This was actually a bit tough for me to listen to all the way through - I can remember that condescension, that hard-line they take with a person they believe 'doesn't deserve their help' far too well. Their complete lack of care is so strong it makes me want to scream at them. They are not shepherds and they are not Christian. I am very glad that you recorded this - the more the 'real truth' of Watchtower is exposed the better.
  • How would they know they're from "apostate" websites if they don't look at apostate info??
  • @2poicephalus
    Apostate lies! That's always the answer! I loved when the judge at the ARC hearings got Geoffrey Jackson to admit the victims were not spouting apostate lies. Not being rude, but it seems like getting disfellowshipped was a good thing. Without that, you probably wouldn't have done any research and figured things out. Kudos to you! You are not alone! ❤️
  • @colecoley3473
    wooooooowwwwwww!!! please get out. please!! Just study the bible.... to your self. Jesus said he is in you and his strength will guide you to acheive bigger things than he! pleaseeee, these guys are wrong!
  • I was raised into this cult and one of the first things I learned was DO NOT QUESTION! That question that you want answered, better not be one that puts into question the organization. The society MUST always be right. There are no problems with the organization. So if there is a problem, the problem must be you. Sounds amazingly like the army. Doesn't it? Ok. So, you repent. Get reinstated. Ask the questions that were never answered. What happens? Disfellowshipped again for asking questions?! I wonder how many years you could keep doing that? It's totally insane.