Entropy fan

Published 2009-09-29
George Carlin

All Comments (21)
  • @garytoca3989
    He doesn’t get sidetracked or make comments about loud people, he just bulldozes over them with great content
  • @McBehrer
    He didn't die, he just had a critical existence cessation.
  • @bijitkonwar9415
    “Everyone, deep in their hearts, is waiting for the end of the world to come.” ― Haruki Murakami Wow thanks never expected that many likes
  • @SomeshMathur92
    It astounds me that this was and is still the only guy that spoke the unflinching truth. Fucking legend.
  • @killamonjaromon
    "I wanna see thousands of people in the street killing policemen" "I wanna know the stock market dropped 2,000 points in one day" "sirens, flames, smoke, bodies, graves being filled" He would've loved 2020
  • @arsenal1548
    My god... imagine his material now if he was still alive
  • @Mundo-bn2ho
    George Carlin , I have just discovered him. Nobody ever has made me laugh so much. This is just the kind of humor we need right now.
  • @pooryorick831
    His bit about entropy and things breaking down is almost prophetic. We have really seen that which George described come true in the last couple years. He would have been thrilled to see all the riots, fires, plague, insurrection and back biting. He would have loved it.
  • @TomDeVito
    "I wanna see a tornado hit a church on sunday" Lmfao I miss this hilarious man
  • @kaleidojess
    “The Planet Isn’t Going Anywhere, WE ARE” love that line
  • people still come and learn from him today, and will forever. George Carlin is legend.
  • @ashwinhariharan
    This is how The Joker would be if he becomes sane. Damn, even the voice sounds like a close match!
  • @icantw8
    "I wanna see a tornado hit a church on Sunday." I love this guy. 
  • @Rabijeel
    7 Years later this looks like some prophecy....
  • @hughmc1133
    When I heard they recently found fungi that could break down plastic it made me think about what George said. Absolute legend. The new epoch of earth plus plastic has begun.
  • @peterdaniel66
    What people dont realize is the absolute dripping sarcasm here..
  • @AAllen-br8it
    Let's just be glad George Carlin never fell in a vat of chemicals.
  • @robbader3
    So true... We are fucked. But, I have a solution. Let's bow our heads and pray, in unison. Dear Joe Pesci...
  • @kafikfishna8806
    I am grateful to the friend who introduced me to George Carlin in 1999. George's humor, his styles and his "rational frustrations" towards our American predicaments and paradoxes will always be welcoming islands of sanity for generations to come.
  • Carlin is the epitome of “it’s funny because it’s true”. He wasn’t just telling jokes, he was also telling people to wake up. It’s scary how accurate his stand up has been. These are almost like sermons instead of stand up.