Last update before JAW SURGERY!!!!!

Published 2021-06-02

All Comments (14)
  • @moonmaiden4197
    I would love a couple videos of you recovering but only if you’re feeling up for it! Like what foods you’ll be eating, the pain level, etc. living vicariously through you! Good luck!!! Here for the glo up ✨✨✨
  • @noinfo7656
    Thank you for sharing your surgery journey with us! And good luck on your surgery gorgeous!
  • @kittytracks03
    Hey, Kristen!! It's exciting to see someone else going through something similar as me around the same time! My surgery was actually about a week before yours (just under a week before, it was on the 17th of June)—meaning I'm just over 2 weeks post-op. My journey to this point has been so much different than yours, and shorter too—but this was still my sixth surgery in just 17 years, which is a lot in comparison to many other people. I wish you the best of luck on your journey to recovery! Last week I actually was able already to start eating soft foods such as Mac and Cheese and cereal in milk, and it's been so relieving to my stomach (another thing I basically live on anymore is mashed and sweet potatos, yum)! With me, unlike your case, I actually had a severe underbite at about 8 mm. Not quite a cm, but still quite a bit out there. My bottom jaw was also rotated a bit, so my surgeon had to rotate that into place as well as "pull" my upper jaw forward. It's definitely been a long 2 weeks, but they weren't lying when they said every day feels better than the last. Swelling was also awful straight after for me, and continued to go up for a couple days after surgery until it finally subsided. I also woke up with very uncomfortable tubes in my stitches, which I hated with a passion (lol)—those were taken out 1 day post-op, which was super relieving. With my soft food diet, it's definitely been hard as it always has been (not the first time I've had to go on these diets, but by far the hardest to go through, as I literally cannot open my mouth wide enough to fit even two of my fingers in my mouth, let alone food bigger than that. Otherwise, though, the recovery is as expected. How has yours been? Did you experience those tubes in your stitches too? How's the swelling? The eating? And are you happy with the overall result? I know mine has definitely helped with my self esteem already!
  • @secretbirdy
    Ugh that would be very frustrating with the orthodontist. Good for you for keeping things going on your own with the process. Not sure I'd be that strong at your age. (I'm 35). Good luck w surgery ! I'm sure you're results will be great.
  • @Carhamkoala
    You are just a few days behind me in post-op. I had mine 6/17/21. Looking forward to your update and what advice you used.
  • How was your surgery? I am having mine because of overbite on the 22nd of July! Literally one month after you. I hope you are doing fine! All the luck!!! And sending you energies ❤️❤️❤️
  • Anyone here have an open bite? I have a severe open bite and am considering the surgery so I really want to hear about other people’s experiences
  • @ZelGoesHard
    Wtf our surgeries were on the same exact day!? I’m 48 hours recovery right now going through it but trying to stay positive