BBC banned Johnny Rotten in 1978 for telling the truth about Jimmy Savile

Published 2015-09-26
John Lydon speaking on Piers Morgan's Life Stories
25 September 2015

All Comments (21)
  • Nothing rotten about this man, stayed by his very sick wife till the very end. Now that's love and courage! Solid to the core!
  • @southlondon86
    The irony of it all. The 70s badboy was the only one who had the guts to speak out against the true monster. It's always the rebels you ultimately respect and the overly polite good people who have so much to hide.
  • @leebattick5874
    The only real punk, the original and final punk rocker. No posing, no parsing. An honorable man.
  • My respect for Johnny Rotten just skyrocketed after watching this. He's the hero we always needed, and the fact that he was vilified for calling out a legit monster for years on end is absolutely disgusting.
  • @MrUnidyne
    A formal and profound apology to John Lydon is overdue from the BBC.
  • @TrussttN01
    There was something rotten in the UK, but it wasn’t Johnny.
  • Johnny knew and spoke up and then got a ban by the BBC. He's still here and is the same guy as he was back then. Love you Johnny Rotten
  • @bigrobbo75
    Johnny Rotten is a fiercely intelligent man indeed . after watching this clip my respect for him is off the scale indeed . he has more morals and integrity than any of the establishment indeed
  • Johnny is a proper punk. He goes right against the grain but, he’s also incredibly intelligent, observant and articulate.
  • @muddywitch9016
    John Rotten - far more brains between his ears than anyone give him credit for.
  • @musicarap1208
    Its nice to know that there are courageous and caring people like Johnny Rotten in this world.
  • When I was about 14 my father and I had a discussion regarding modern society and he told me that while water runs downhill the sewer of society runs uphill and the higher up the echelons the worse it becomes. Since then I have realized through particular events that he was 100% correct
  • I have an added respect for him for this. Well done to him for trying to speak out.
  • @ShookOnesTO
    The Irony of a man named Johnny rotten (the face of punk music) exposing rotten people. It's beautiful. When I was in grade 8, my teacher made me leave class because I wore a sex pistols shirt. The man who everybody feared, was right all along.
  • @zippyzipster46
    Nothing but admiration for this man. He was patient and knew he was right. He didn’t have to crusade. He was a musician and an artist. He heard enough rumors to know about smoke and fire.
  • @juana9483
    John Lydon is an honest respectful man with guts, which is why they tried to shut him down. Totally love him to bits. ❤
  • @Guru316
    The thing that gets me about this is even now no one is holding the BBC to account for this. They funded, enabled, protected and then covered up for Saville, Harris... the lot. Disgraceful.
  • @MJD90345
    Well done Johnny you deserve a massive public apology it's a pity the rest of showbiz didn't have the balls to say anything.
  • @sillysod33
    Honest, snarling, articulate, perceptive, compassionate. God bless you, Johnny Rotten 💜💜💜