10 Heart Stopping Video Game Moments That Left Us Terrified

Published 2024-06-12

All Comments (21)
  • @GeekRedux
    Probably betraying my age here... When that T-rex emerged from the darkness in the original Tomb Raider...man. Brilliant.
  • @rig-zag
    Resident Evil 3. The first time Nemesis follows you into a "safe" area, and your entire body tenses up as you mash the buttons going "Shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-SHIT!" 😂
  • Every time I replayed RE Village I dreaded having to play through the baby part again
  • @xanderbor
    Dead Space 2 segment was very memorable. The first game had such an impact that you could feel neck tightening just walking the ship again.
  • @mihmo2663
    The dogs jumping through the windows in the original Resident Evil. Made worse by the stupid capcom controls. I panicked, pushed left to turn and run and all that happened is I turned in circles until I was mauled.
  • @Wiley94
    Nothing has made my heart stop more than Man-Bat in Arkham City.
  • @Franic19
    I have such a funny memory about the FEAR ladder. My dad was playing the game when I was a little younger and I swear, I have never seen a man punch his escape key so fast and hard from Alma popping up, so he could catch his bearings, just to unpause go down the rest of the ladder and getting jumpscared by that second guy and him ALT+F4'ing. He's not really a man who gets scared easily and he played a lot of horror games before, but FEAR was one of the only games I saw him play that brought that type of reaction out of him. I found it funny watching that happen😄
  • @Styrophoamicus
    The Kakariko Village well from OOT. The idea that this whole torture dungeon with monsters (and Dead Hand) was hiding just underneath this idyllic village was terrifying to me as a kid.
  • @HECROD48
    "A panic attack made manifest" is such a great phrase!
  • @J_C_CH
    A moment like this for me would be the introduction of the Flood in Halo: Combat Evolved. For a majority of the game, it's your standard sci-fi shooter. You're a super soldier fighting aliens on a ring-shaped planet with a group of space marines, nothing really special about that. Until you meet the Flood. All of a sudden, you're pulled out of the non-stop run & gun action shooter and dropped into a freaking horror game, facing off against hordes of ninja zombies. After several hours fighting the Covenant, the Flood came completely out of nowhere, and it was a terrifying experience. What's awesome is it still holds up 23 years later.
  • @inwector
    When I saw a Feral Ghoul Reaver for the first time in Fallout 3, in the subways for the president to escape. It's head was stuttering and flopping around as it was attacking me, I was terrified. I genuinely thought Reavers would be like that, then I learned that Reavers are just tough Feral Ghouls, and the stuttering flipping around was just Bethesda's incompetency. Scarred me for life though.
  • The only time a game ever really freaked me out was a bad glitch during Harry Potter Half Blood Prince where Snapes mouth turned into solid black pixels and the pixels kept expanding across the screen. He looked like a demon. It was so unexpected in a HP game haha
  • @Kikik_PL
    For me it was the workbench ambush in The last of us 2. Definitely caught me off guard:P
  • @Kagarin05
    Fear 2s school hallway deserves a mention too, that moment was worse for me than any of the ladders in fear or side spooks
  • @maxyw9366
    The Forest, for what it is, the first true run through the game and not knowing much, had a many intense and jumpscare moments for me. And I don't get jumpscared easily, ever. Plus , the AI in that game, for the time, was very well done especially for ambusing/watching you. To just be roaming through a forest at night, trying to farm materials and you see a cannibal just staring at you through a treeline was mint intensity !
  • @wingman-1977
    That Xenomorph AI is easily the best AI I ever seen in a game.
  • @sarloscantana
    I miss games like Manhunt and the era it was made in. I truly wish some studios would come along again and make "adult" games again - they are sorely missed.
  • @daniele4568
    Allen isolation should be number 1. Jump scares are good, but that game kept you terrified.
  • @Roadkill5880
    Playing Alien Isolation in VR definitely added to the experience. At some point you do start to get used to the alien, that is until the level where the station is on fire. Seeing the alien materialize through the smoke in a narrow hallway really put the fear back in me.
  • One of my biggest moments of tension was when playing Dying light 1 and knowing that the sun has set and i am far from shelter, and out of nowhere a volatile person passes by, he sees me, he screams and calls for help And my biggest jumps care was in Madison, those sudden appearances.