Advanced Locomotion V4 With Jigsaw Inventory New System - UE4

Published 2020-10-04

All Comments (21)
  • @JamesDeal1982
    For anyone using the Updated Jigsaw, when you get to the part with the Errors, read the tabs he's in and go there to follow along because simply clicking the errors won't bring you to the same place. Once you've resolved the couple errors with him, you'll then want to go back to your graph and delete the ADS Graph completely. That will solve your problem. Also, thank you TechNova, this was not only SUPER helpful getting Jigsaw setup with ALS, but it also taught me a lot about Blueprints and working with things I was unaware of.
  • @ShojikiGaming
    Thanks for the great tutorial Kaidoom! Quick question - After replacing the character mesh, the glasses, helmet and earphones don't display on the character when picked up. The rest of the armour and weapons do though. Any idea why?
  • @pitbullsami3233
    How can I combine als v4 + advanced vehicle system, can you help me?
  • @tyla1196
    Is there any way to get the ALS Version keybindings off the screen ive looked everywhere in the graphs for this. would be very helpful. thanks!
  • @retropunk6003
    hello, can you make integration jigsaw inventory and balistic fx? thanks.
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  • @yngmab
    Hey Kaidoom. How can i get to stack items of the same type when picking up? or why do they not stack by default? last night i tried to make them stack but were getting constant errors
  • @nukima11
    The Inheritance method works well and all, however, it messes up my movement system. My character can no longer slide it snaps me to the end boundary for the Skybox. Also it messes up my state changes that I have set up. I'm trying to just hard-code it into my character. I've copied all code and I have all interfaces talking to one another however, I can't get the main inventory widget to populate. It only half works, the mouse input shows up but the inventory screen doesn't. By the looks of it I've essentially turned my character into the jig character but, I can't see the inventory screen.
  • @mateinica5906
    Nice work! Im happy to see this project is still in developement! not related to the vid but I have a small problem with my inventory using your project, I cant seem to find a way to keep the containers persistent in the game, as soon as I throw a container and pick it up again it gets empty, most probably because it destroys the object and creates a new one... any idea how to work around this?
  • @L00NEYT00NZ
    Do you plan on doing a updated tutorial for the new Updates that "Advance inventory system" and "Advanced Locomotion System" has come out with as well as the new Unreal Engine 5.1. This is a awesome asset combination and am trying to figure this out myself. I cant equip the primary weapon, and no weapon at that. I know this was posted 2 Years ago so the is quit a stretch but i would love it if you could help me out. Update: I figured out the equip but now its just a issue with the aim.
  • I cant kill the ai to try and loot. what could possibly be the issue? the damage registers and the "f" appears for a second from a distance then vanishes, but no ragdoll. I did ragdoll key from "x" to "end". also I tried to add new montages for rifle, but they don't always work the first time, also when I reload the rifle the left hand stays stuck to the magazine.
  • @dawid_zz1275
    23:47 My animations do not work, they just teleport to hand and the player does not ADS with the weapon
  • @RprtBak
    There's a bunch of new stuff with ALS that isn't in here. Causes a bunch of issues with ADS, the cameras, and movement. Would it be possible to do some sort of update video, please?
  • Could you redo this for the newer version. When you deleted the cameras you showed only 2 target errors.... i ended up with 15 errors. Errors located in: ADS Get field of View BEGIN PLAY
  • @stonergames4765
    great work u no why the head gears does not equip to player but shows in inventory slot
  • @Warmaster2143
    Could you maybe make a video going over how to update Jigsaw Inventory to the new version from the previous version
    Hey ! I am running into couple of issues and I am guessing it comes from the new versions , do you have a discord to assist ?
  • @TrojanLube69
    What's the solution now for the ADS camera location FOV and TP FOV inside the jig character and also the ADS system handled in tick event ? since I deleted the camera from jig character and using alsv4 camera manager. I got a reference to the camera manager and got the info from there, but I am not sure this is the correct approach. Could you share a screenshot of how you would set this up as is not compiling blueprint due to this ?
  • @JerryFranzen90
    Hello, Because I have a very complicated character creation blueprint integrated into my ALS_AnimMan_CharacterBP, I wanted to have the BP_JigCharacter in the same blueprint, so I went ahead and tried to copy the entire BP_JigCharacter blueprint into my ALS_AnimMan_CharacterBP loosly based from this tutorial. Everything is working fine up until 19:30. Switching weapons doesn't work for me and I can't locate the issue. The sockets are in place on my skeleton and the animations have been retargeted and the preview mesh is all there. Like, why aren't the weapons equipped? I'm have no issues with backpacks, pants, boots etc. Inventory works great. Could you point me in the right direction - any help at this point is appreciated.
  • @unixmusik5441
    @TechNova45 how i can add the unequip function? if i equip the pistol with 3 then i want put it back