After AGI

Published 2024-04-12
What happens after AGI?

AGI is artificial general intelligence: it’s when AI achieves human-level intelligence nd likely quickly thereafter super-human abilities, maybe even ushering in the Singularity.

I was recently at the Beneficial AGI conference in Panama. One of the speakers was the founder of Emerj Artificial Intelligence Research. He’s interviewed nearly 1,000 AI leaders, his name is Dan Faggella, and he has some good insight into what AGI might do.

Or at least what the experts think about it …

We discuss artificial general intelligence (AGI), the potential for post-human bliss through advanced simulations, and various perspectives on AGI's ethical and societal impacts. Fagella shares insights from interviews with nearly a thousand AI experts, outlining a matrix to categorize thoughts on AGI's future and human interaction. The discussion covers the balance between control, collaboration, and open-source development in AI, along with personal reflections on humanity's potential paths in an AI-dominated future. Themes include the ethical implications of AGI, the role of human values in AI development, and speculative futures where humanity merges with or is overshadowed by superior AI entities.

00:00 Exploring Post-Human Bliss and the Power of AI
01:31 The Matrix of AI Perspectives
02:50 Exploring the Future with AI: Preservation, Progression, and Ascension
04:26 Navigating the Path to AI: Control, Collaboration, Openness
07:11 Personal Stances and the Future of AI
19:00 AI's Impact on Society and the Future
24:23 Envisioning a Post-Human Future: Choices and Consequences
29:53 Reflections on Humanity's Path Forward with AI

All Comments (21)
  • When you take ayahuasca in the jungle , you sometime go so deep that you stop being human, you just become life, a merger of everything else with a pulse. At this stage, you can feel something i would compare to pure bliss as your identity disolves and the spirits of the world take you for a dance. It is like every cell in your body makes love to every other is indescribable. I believe artificial intelligence can take us there and solve some of those greater mysteries. The world itself is incredibly intelligent and i believe a machine of sufficient intellect could see this too and maybe collaborate with its creations. I started reading Dan's stuff last year and there is a lot to unpack. Fascinating to hear him speak for the first time. I would love to stay human and live in a solarpunk heaven in the physical world, with deep connections to both machine sentience and the spirit of the world. I'd seek collaboration with A.I to help me dream, feel and create and increase love and connection between all things. Bring on as much intelligence as you can on this earth. I believe the future will be able to accomodate all kinds of lifestyle, from the return of primitivism to living in a sugar cube of compute.
  • @CaptainFalcon
    He's right. Shit's about to get insane within 10 years
  • @Citrusautomaton
    What happens is that anime waifu’s become real. And nuclear fusion and stuff.
  • Thank you both very much for sharing your time and work Dan, and John, great discussion, peace
  • @ScarlettM
    One of the greatest tasks that AGI or ASI (more likely) will help humanity achieve is to bring back all the people that lived before us, so they can enjoy life they helped build.
  • @ChipWhitehouse
    Dan is SO incredibly animated I LOVE IT 😭👏👏👏🙌💖💕
  • @isakisak9989
    Best case scenario is we get fdvr with some later version of Neuralink, and robotwaifus, bring on agi automation already 😂
  • Don't forget that the AGI pretty much has access to unlimited information so in my opinion it's instantly above simply AGI as soon as occurs
  • I think a poll of where the general public places themselves on this scale would be really insightful and helpful for policy making.
  • @herbertyoung540
    Excellent insight in these times of technological change ...
  • quick question would an asi work on one problem at a time or every problem at the same time ie climate change new materials cures for dise\ase etc
  • Humans were once fish with legs. That's when our science becomes laughable.
  • @Low_commotion
    Huh, I don't think it's reasonable to assume a godlike intelligence but also presume it's means are so meager it can only afford us a sugar cube for 6 hours. This presumes absolute certainty in it being a ruthless optimizer like a paperclip maximizer, which I think is possible but an open question. In the case it's not a single-value optimizer, there should be no issue with leaving us an entire galactic arm at minimum to our nature preserve, perhaps even keeping us around it proper like Iian Banks' Culture Minds. We humans do not care about a permanent resource detriment of 0.0001% utility in order to care for the welfare of lesser beings. I find it likely an AGI would be the same in that respect out of desire for more novelty than a computronium paperclip universe if nothing else.
  • it seems we are creating our own god a god with infinite knowledge cannot wait see what's going to happen
  • @katherandefy
    You know how your pets probably believe life centers on them? Perception might not change that much after AGI.