Republican Candidates Are WRONG About Trans People

Published 2023-10-03

All Comments (21)
  • @ophiescurse
    “if a child doesn’t feel safe talking to their parents about something, it’s for a good reason.” truer words have never been said.
  • @thudor1
    As a Hindu, Ramaswamy should know that his religion is NOT transphobic!!
  • republicans: THE FAMILY IS UNDER ATTACK also republicans: proceeds to destroy families and celebrate the suffering of children reminds me of something the youtuber CultOfDusty said, going something like 'a republican accusation is a confession' and I couldnt agree more
  • @zaraandrews600
    When I was studying at uni I was one of the few students who would stay on campus during summer and I got to know a couple of transpeople who were there because they had been kicked out of their home by their parents for being trans. It is really devastating to see people who became really good friends of mine be so badly affected. When my best friend got kicked out I would go to her place most days to make sure she was okay. We would walk around the lake at the university to get some fresh air. I was really worried that I would come around one day and it would turn out she was dead. It makes me angry that people are proposing schools tell parents about their child's trans status. Just give them the freedom to be theirselves.
  • @CloeWebb
    Pence's own words, "We’re going to stand up for the rights of parents, and we’re going to pass a federal ban on transgender chemical or surgical surgery anywhere in the country,” No where does he provide a limit in this statement. They want to end all medical transition without limit, i.e. for adults too.
  • The interesting thing is, Chris Christie actually has said that he would not pass a law banning gender affirming care for trans youth. So, despite what you would expect, there are even Republicans who think that using the government in this way is wrong
  • @Jordan-pf9ws
    Outting a kid to unsupportive parents puts them at risk for abuse.
  • @Beeboopbop94
    Conservatives: “We’re protecting the rights of parents” Parent: “after consulting several specialists, i’m giving permission for my child to start gender affirming care Conservatives: “wait no not like that”
  • @daenerys02
    I can't imagine how scary it is to be a trans person in the US now. The facr that they want your rights TAKEN AWAY, rights we've fought for, is fucking scary. Hearing them hate trans people so openly is scary. Sending y'all love
  • @The_Salty_Llama
    With the way the republican's ousted Mcarthy as speaker, im hoping they are running out scapegoats to keep the culture war going and we'll see more infighting
  • @GeteMachine
    How they use "Parental Rights" sounds a lot like how they describe "States Rights."
  • @chrislaustin
    Sadly, ignorance, fear and hate are all the current Republikkkan party has to offer anyone in America, so if that is your poison, by all means get in line. If your about helping others and being accepting of people to make their own best choices with their own lives, you know who not to vote for.
  • @Ghos7lyKarma
    The trans hate is ridiculous. Its great to have science and facts on our side against these bigots.
  • @redjules1215
    I'm just an ally and this makes me furious, I can't imagine how angry you and other trans men and women are. I appreciate you making this video and helping educate people.
  • @Hollyjade2181
    If they dont have gender dysphoria they don't understand i took till my late fifties to finally change my gender, in generation it was unknown just parents forced me to be a boy, it took a near death experience to finally be myself a woman and now 69
  • Why are they so dedicated to making trans people's lives worse and hurt children by doing so.
  • @MarquisLeary34
    Never forget; these are the same people that fight tooth and nail against criminalizing child marriage and think 12 year olds are just fine to have children.
  • @bambino05
    If my children didn't feel safe enough to tell me they feel this way, I would be looking at what I'd done so wrong, not blaming teachers. Maybe if try loving and respecting their kids, they wouldn't be in the dark so much