king of the hill is my favorite anime

Published 2017-08-14
The final climactic scene and Bill-Chan's redemption from the Pro Truckers arc of one of my personal favorite anime, King of the Hill.

This is heavily based on this shitpost on Instagram by cobaltalh
I thought it was so amazing I tried making my own version for YouTube, so if he wants this vid taken down, i'll do it with no issues.

Song: You Say Run - Boku no Hero Academia

All Comments (21)
  • @Nineball459
    MAJOR SPOILER WARNINGS It's a damn shame they decided to kill off Bill-Chan when they did, it felt so nonsensical when his ex-wife Lenore suddenly appeared to shoot him in the back during the infamous and completely bullshit Redcorn's Revenge arc during the 6th season finale. That's not even remotely what happened in the manga. Maybe if they spent more time staying true to their original source material instead of making pointless filler episodes like the fucking beach arc, which was literally nothing but Peggy, Luanne, and Nancy fanservice, which is complete and utter bullshit because by that time they'd already skipped 2 incredibly plot crucial arcs. Seriously, the anime was good but it had some serious problems the manga never did. At least the animation and music quality have remained consistently solid throughout the seasons. And now we find out that the animation studio ran out of fucking budget, so there won't be a 7th season, at least not anytime soon. Honestly just stop at the 5th season and start reading the manga from there, it has a much better and well rounded plot structure for the later arcs, and it actually has a satisfying conclusion.
  • If he can motivate himself with flashbacks of his own speeches, he's OP.
  • @onthespoke2
    VILLAIN: "Your concern for your friends is what makes you weak." HANK: "I tell you hwhat....."
  • @elegantcat1496
    Dude held up an entire living room by himself. That's plus ultra af
  • Just in case you thought that flashback scene couldn't get better, notice that Boomhauer was standing behind Bill when the wave of furniture was approaching. The memories of their bond were what gave Billdozer the strength to save him.
  • He was no longer king of the hill... He was the king of the mountain
  • @Zoomezz
    Why was the flashback unironically inspiring?
  • @ReluctantlySane
    Inexperienced sidekick: Wow!, Bill-Sama is so strong, he stopped the furniture! Experienced hero: No...he didn't just stop it.....he's pushing it back!
  • @svartfrasr9755
    Honestly it's great continuity on the show's part that Bill can just straight up Hulk out when the occasion calls for it, lest we forget that he was in fact, "The Billdozer."
  • @pbates1693
    “That’s right frieza your not dealing with the average propane salesman anymore”
  • @bluifiedd2283
    "I'm out there digging holes, falling into them, climbing out, trying again" Oddly inspiring
  • @Npstyle2k10
    Showed this my dad, he told me this exactly how he remembers the cartoon. Me: ???
  • @falsusrex
    Bill was so fucking op, he motivated himself with his own flashback which was within another flashback.
  • @SyrinxOfTemple
    Honestly when people tell me Propane Blood is the weakest arc I just have to show them this.
  • @Pastafari4
    Did be just... Give himself power through a rousing emotional speech he gave someone else? NANI?
  • @TheMajorHunter
    SPOILER ALERT: I gotta say, Bobby-san helping his dad turn the wheel is perfect allusion to his taking over the Throne of Strickland after Hank's tragic death at the end of "Propane is Inflammable." Simply masterful storytelling!
  • @DivineBanana
    Bill having flashbacks of himself, within a flashback. We have reached peak anime.
  • "I'm fat, and I'm old, and everyday I'm gonna wake up fatter and older." No true words have been spoken.
  • "I'm fat and I'm old. And everyday I'm just goin' wake up fatter and older." Oof, I felt that