this blue chicken could ACTUALLY KILL YOU

Published 2022-09-21

All Comments (21)
  • @Spatnz
    please like the video and subscribe so I can take over youtube
  • Imagine being a parent getting a call from the hospital about your child nearly dying from "boiling some chicken in NyQuil" challenge from TikTok.
  • At some point, you just gotta stop someone and say "dont stop him Jim, let Natural Selection take its course"
  • Welcome to TikTok's "How low can you go?" Where we ask how low can one's intelligence reach before just becoming a goofy goober.
  • @gamebitz7397
    If I had a nickel for every time TikTok started a trend where you eat strange colored food, I’d have 2 nickels, but to be honest I kinda saw this coming and it will probably happen again.
  • @pharaohamaya
    Sad part is I both wanna know WHY someone thought this was a good idea, and how it would taste. NyQuil doesn’t taste that good anyway, how’d someone get the idea to boil chicken in it? Or pesto bismal for that matter? I’m so terribly confused by people… EDIT: Or Pepto Bismal if my auto correct doesn’t butt in. Love the replies though, made my fucking night!
  • Finally, the successor to the Pink Sauce. I can't wait for green sauce!
  • @joshc5613
    Just want to point out, TikTok users didn't technically start this trend. There were a few people who had made memes about cooking chicken in medicine before this (I think I remember seeing it with Allegra specifically). The difference is that they just posted these as either images on twitter or snapchats, which then got reuploaded to twitter. But clearly, they most likely DID NOT EAT IT, they just cooked the chicken in medicine for the joke and then threw it away knowing that it would be potentially hazardous to their health.

    Anyway, the fact that this is an actual trend in TikTok now is just proving my theory that TikTok is making humanity stupider
  • @barnakull66
    “Obviously, a drug like this has drugs in it.”

    - Spatnz (September 2022)
  • Besides being lethal, the color blue makes the chicken look less appetizing (which is really good tbh)
  • @zcqm
    This is literally suicide by fowl
  • @Marliemac
    From what I've learned revolving around the sun for 19 yrs, there's always a new dangerous trend kid will try if its colorful and filled with toxic chemicals. From the Tide Pod challenge now to Niquil Chicken...God what is wrong with humanity
  • @KaykyG018
    Imagine holding a funeral and someone asks "how did he die?" 💀
  • At this point, I'm genuinely surprised that the government hasn't shut down or at least investigate TikTok, as it's causing so much shit. I know there are other social medias that do dumb challenges like this, but rn TikTok is looking REALLY bad.
  • I'm genuinely concerned about TikTok's obsession for colorful food
  • @sublime9847
    Man, you're one of the few YouTubers I get legitimately excited about when they post a new video.
  • The absolute anger in his voice will describing the lethal potency of NyQuill chicken had me rolling.
  • @poynTblaynK
    Now we got blue chicken, pink sauce and purple drink (lean). We just need red mac n cheese
  • @TNJY
    The most sane tiktoker: Alright guys today we'll be eating NyQuil chicken with a side of tide pods dipped in pink sauce! don't forget to follow and share this with your friends!
  • @slk7376
    “Don’t boil chicken in Benadryl, it can kill you.🤓”