Iphone speech to text SUCKS

Published 2021-08-01
I have been an iPhone/iPod user/lover since 2009. I honestly hate android. I once had to get a wifi mac ID from an android and it took me so long I could have baked a cake in a shorter amount of time. On iphone you go to settings, general, about. There it is.
On an android? It took no less than 5 steps and where was it? In the STATUS menu! Status??? How is a wifi mac ID a “status” ?? A status is a state of time, or position. “What is the status of that cake?” Answer: it’s almost done” A status is dynamic. It changes. A wifi mac ID does not change. (In this instance). It’s status cannot change. It doesn’t get lower or higher. Or bigger or smaller. It’s constant. So WHY prey-tell is the wifi mac ID under “status” ?
THAT SAID, after using iphone and ipod for 12 years I have come to the conclusion that apple’s speech to text is the ABSOLUTE WORST THING about iphone. It does not recognize common every day English words (“Are” for I or worse yet “eye” for I). It skips words. It adds words you didn’t say. It doubles words. It CHANGES words!
For some reason I never thought to record this using a different phone. When I use my the actual phone it works fine. Murphy’s Law right?
So here is something I was trying to say to my sister in reference to the movie Poltergeist which we both love and grew up with.

Oh and I would seriously consider switching to Android SOLEY for the fact of Apple’s speech to text sucking so horribly!!

Totally not joking.

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