JAPANESE CANDY ART - Goldfish, Frog, Cat, Dog Amezaiku Tokyo Japan

Published 2017-10-26

All Comments (21)
  • @rymaracabre2479
    This guy's play doh skills when he was a kid must have been out of this world.
  • @hazetiva
    Its called Amezaiku Candy Art The name of this shop is Asakusa Amezaiku Ameshin in Tokyo Japan. Sadly they don’t ship overseas! This is true art!
  • こういう日本の伝統を、残すのに努力してくれている日本人に感謝です
  • 日本の文化がこうやって千何百万再生もされて、7000以上もコメントされてるって嬉しいなって思う
  • @gatten798
    形に残るガラスとかではなく 溶けたり、食べれてしまう形に残らない飴で作るところが 日本人の感性なんだな… 儚さがより美しさを際立たせる 金魚ほんとに綺麗
  • @trecydreamz0930
    I feel like these should be an actual profession with world wide contests, dedicated schools and careers, not just some street stalls. This talent deserves to be appreciated and well paid.
  • When my sister and I were children, I remember my parents buying us candy like this at a festival held at a shrine. It was in the shape of Pikachu and a swan. It was so beautiful and cute that we couldn't eat it and we kept it for a while. Good memories of my childhood. I am very happy that such craftsmen still exist! (I'm Japanese, so my English isn't perfect, but I felt nostalgic after watching this video, so I left a comment😖)
  • @Akashi0505
    子供の頃祭りの屋台で見た飴細工も凄かったけど この金魚の美しさに勝てるレベルなんてそうそうないだろうな。
  • As an artist. I wanna let others know this: if we make something for someone we want them to enjoy it. If i was able to make these fish and cat candies, and i put maybe an hour or two into making food or art, i would want you to eat and enjoy. Most mothers and fathers slave for hours over a stove only for the food to be eaten within several minutes. Just enjoy it. I would be so sad and disappoimted if someone didnt eat candy i made. Wether it took hours or minutes. Candy making is hard work but enjoyable when you see smiling faces consuming something i wanted to make for them to enjoy and consume.
  • @will-kyon1067
    The guy who is making the candy art looks so happy with his job and it’s adorable
  • @YuYu-wf1jd
    現代のアメ細工職人は、扇風機やらドライヤーやらヒーターやら、色々と便利なものを駆使して作るようになってたんだな。 昔テレビで見たアメ細工職人のおじさんは、露店でやっていた事もあり、湿度に左右されるアメの状態でその日の天気が分かると言っていたのを思い出します。 温度が下がってかたくなってしまうまでが勝負の早業で、圧巻でしたね。 こちらの動画のやり方だと、ゆっくり丁寧に仕上がりもより繊細になって、昔のアメ細工とは別の価値が生まれていますね。 自分も器用さには自信があるので、これで生活が出来るものならやってみたいな。 昔のような一発勝負の早業でなくて良くなった事が、動物だけではなく色んなジャンルの幅が広がる可能性を生みましたね。
  • @Mg2SiO4-Fe2SiO4
    日本人の細かな手作業は本当に素晴らしいものです✨ それが失われつつあるのはとても悲しいことなので、国で保護をして伝統工芸を継続できるように手厚く支援をして戴きたいです!
    I love when the gentelman who created the candy art passes them off the lady to paint. She only adds to their beauty. Both are excellent at what they do.
  • @eloex
    The goldfish and the frog are stunning, they seem made of pure glass! I want to put them under a frame to watch them over time.
  • @bonochibear7895
    The guy is so talented. His grasp of animal forms is amazing. So much depth and nuances and detail.
  • Столько доброты на лице человека дающего такие вещи,хочется его обнять,вот что надо людям сейчас смотреть а не войны и кровь! Мир люди вам и леденцов в виде животных!)))
  • @anonymousfan13
    These two person are very good in their craft, kudos to them for keeping the candy tradition in japan alive. 👍👍👍
  • @platy8915
    the goldfishes tail was so satisfying to see being made.
  • @pokie6150
    This reminds me of my childhood me and my dad would go out together and he would buy these for me, from the side of the road. I remember these guys who'd sell these were very poor but were so much skilled. I can't find these in Pakistan anymore. It wasn't this advance they only had three colors sugar candy white, pink and green. But they would make anything out of it💕
  • @sunj1998
    I watched this 6 years ago while in pain. Helped me ease my suffering. I commented now as it appears on my recommendations.