Xemnas is a good villain

Published 2018-02-26
Sorrow- Xenoblade Chronicles OST
Comedian Harmonists- Mein lieber Schatz, bist du aus Spanien

All Comments (21)
  • @MrHaveGoing
    This was made as an excuse to zoom in on his face
  • @brudbrud9137
    I think liking darkness is a pretty good motivation thanks nomura
  • @michdie1046
    Did someone say ruining something? *DDD breaks down door with battering ram.
  • @ArmageddonAngel
    This channel is the number one source for both analyzing villains motives and unnecessarily zooming in on faces.
  • I didn't realize until after the video that this is literally an inversion of the Aqua analysis - in the debut material, Aqua's motivations had an incredibly flawed logic and was thus an unsatisfying character, but was fixed in her subsequent appearance in 0.2. Xemnas, on the other hand, had fantastically tragic motivations based on the logic of what Nobodies are/lack... only to be overwritten in 3D by reducing those masterstrokes to logical inconsistencies and thus now an unsatisfying character.
  • @iscottista1950
    "Xemnas is a good villian." Understandably have a nice day.
  • @skoar8321
    Xemnas: "A heart is just pain." Sora: "Pain is being human, Xemnas." Xemnas: "OK I BELIEVE YOU."
  • @MrHandss
    honestly he can just do ASMR and most people probably wouldn't have the will to try lifting a finger against him.
  • @sosomano
    So kingdom heart is basically just a Pancake
  • @pengmaeda9908
    We know who the true mastermind villains are though. Moogles..... Master of Masters? 3 Moogles in a Black coat
  • @BetoXeto
    N O T H I N G N E S S W I T H I N N O T H I N G N E S S
  • Even though it had its flaws I feel KH3 managed to fix Xemnas character again. It made it so that Nobodies could develop hearts but made it seem as if Xemnas although he could get a heart chose rather to abandon his emotions instead. True his motivation is still lessened but I found his final moments rather interesting where he reflects on the heart and what he did and regrets throwing away the few people he could've actually cared for as comrades, truly differentiating him from his core being as a part of Xehanort. Ansem and Xemnas had become their own people too, and in the end only when it was too late did they realize their faults and the true power of the heart
  • His death in KH3 was pretty sad. Reminded me of his KH2 character
  • @jonnysac77
    "Thanks Nomura" pretty much sums up every single story decision Nomura has made since KH2
  • @Darkyan97
    "My first surge of emotion in years... for as long as I can remember... and it's loneliness."
  • You guys are forgetting about Xemnas real motives, about how he swore revenge upon all keyblades for stealing his ice-cream this was hinted way back in Spider-Man 2
  • Yes but each Xehanort was tragic in their own way Ansem is a Heartless that knows nothing but darkness, and after traveling and fighting with Riku and others he reveals he actually was proud of their progress and no longer cares even after he discovered Vexen’s treachery which made Roxas’ Replica Xemnas: he was somewhat shaped by Terra’s sense of friendship but couldn’t feel. At his final moments he revealed he regretted treating his members as pawns, how he now felt lonely and having nothing and how he hated how painful a heart is and actually admired humans for enduring it. Young Xehanort was formerly a boy merely with the dream to be free, and see other worlds. Before he was destined to get his freedom, his other self made his dream come true early in a twisted way, he became his future Self’s herald to make the Real Organization XIII and Keyblade War happen As Woody stated he’s Hollow because he has nothing else but the ambitions of a future self that’s not his own yet, he’s still a boy that has no idea what he wants for himself. And he would be sent back to the present doomed to relive everything that’ll happen in a time loop Terranort: created from a fusion of hearts, Terra’s rage and Xehanort’s obsession warped him into becoming all those tragic figures and like Young Xehanort has nothing of his own Apparently all of those guys were sacrificed to become fragments to recreate the X-blade as well Master Xehanort: he’s curious yes, but he had to throw everything away that once meant something to him, his training world, Eraqus, Ventus as he actually once cared for him, his simple dream of freedom and exploration, his own individuality by splitting himself to make his alternative selves of the Organization, only to find out he himself was a pawn at the end with nothing left of his own