The final hours of Pope John Paul II

Published 2015-03-31
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Ten years have passed since the death of the Polish pontiff.

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All Comments (21)
  • @sigmund1339
    Though not religious at all, I experienced a small “miracle” in Chicago during JP’s visit to that city. I was trying to catch a bus from downtown to the south side and noticed that the usual hustle and bustle of the city was missing, replaced by a surprising stillness and calm. From a distance I saw JP pass on Michigan Avenue and realized that the peaceful stillness was due to everyone being focused on him and his motorcade. Thought nothing of it but was impressed with the peace and calm atmosphere that prevailed in a normally busy area. My bus was delayed but I waited patiently. When my bus arrived, I boarded and was about to pay my 75 cent fare when I discovered that I had no coins and only a five dollar bill. Chicago buses do not make change and I was about to disembark and try to break my fiver. Well, to my astonishment, a number of passengers suddenly got up and offered to give me change for my five dollars! Usually people just look the other way in these situations, but the pope’s presence had brought out an impulse to help out. In the context of life in Chicago, I always considered their courteous gesture to be a minor miracle.
  • This was the only Pope I truly felt for. He was truly humble and caring for people! Greatest Pope of all time J.P.II.
  • He blessed my rosary when i was a child :) i wore it to my communion
  • I am Greek Orthodox and I cried for fifteen minutes solid when died. He has my respect and love.
  • "Hard times will always reveal your true friends."Thank you for all you did for my Croatian people in the struggle.WE REMEMBER
  • This man fought right until the end. He wouldn't give up right until the end even though he could barely speak. RIP Saint John Paul
  • @arfamccann5824
    I had the experience of being in Rome once, when he gave a service from his window. Truly amazing! In my lifetime, he was my favourite Pope. A truly wonderful human being. May he rest eternally 🙏🏼❤️
  • @nancydemoss7904
    My immediate family was not Catholic. But my mom and I had a great deal of love and respect for Pope John Paul II. We called him "our" Pope. He was a wonderful man who came from humble beginnings and never forgot them. RIP Your Holiness. You are missed.
  • I remember I waved to Pope John Paul 2 in Rome when I visited the city about 18 months before his death, and he waved back. I admired him so much for carrying out his duties to the very end despite his Parkinson’s disease and health problems that come with old age. He was without question the greatest Pope, certainly of recent times.
  • @onesin5792
    I cried so much a kid, watching him through the tv it’s like if I knew him for years and this was coming from a 5 year old kid. There was something very special about this saint it’s as if he was a long life friend I knew for years such a heart warming man he was❤️
  • @debraa.155
    ONLY God can judge the WORTH and holiness of a man!!!
  • Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. JOHN 14:6
  • I had the opportunity to see the Pope when I was a child. He came here to my country and the first thing he did was to kneel down and kiss my land.i love you my favourite Pope. You are an inspiration to humanity. We miss you my dear Pope. I know that you are praying for us from where you are.
  • Pope Jonh Paul's Burial touched me and many converts. let his soul rest in peace.
  • Oh man, I definitely remember this! I was in the 5th grade when he passed away! He was best EVER!!!! Not trying to put down the other popes or the current one though. Hope you're resting in peace, Pope John Paul. You are sorely missed by EVERYONE.
  • You will be in my memory until my passing. May God give you peace and eternal rest. Amen.
  • @vincewyn1396
    The Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day, the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain the complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day all the divine floodgates through which grace flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. Jesus, I trust In You! Ps 118:21 I will give thanks to you, for you have answered me.